Déjà vu All Over Again: Pacing the Left Bundle Branch Area with Defibrillator LeadsVardhmaan Jain, MD1 and Michael S. Lloyd, MD FHRS11 Section of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GACorresponding author:Michael Lloyd1364 Clifton Rd NE suite F424Atlanta, GA 30322Mlloyd2@emory.edu@Mlloyd_emoryFunding: noneKeywords: Left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP), ICD, defibrillator, conduction system pacingDisclosures: VJ: none; ML: research and consulting, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, AbbottLawrence “Yogi” Berra was noted for his simplistic malapropisms that were occasionally profound – earning him the moniker Yogi , after the yoga masters who were reputed for giving wise advice. Excluding one temporary study and case reports, this editorial addresses the third of a similar group of published small series examining implantation of standard active fixation defibrillator leads left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP) position (see manuscript Table 5).1,2On the surface, this may invoke a sense of déjà vu, but there is a simplistic elegance in the concept of using a single lead to accomplishboth defibrillation and physiologic pacing that warrants repeat examination.In this issue of Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, Ghosh et al. present their account of patients undergoing LBBAP with the Abbott Medical DurataTM lead (Sylmar, CA).3Twelve patients who had an indication for either cardiac resynchronization therapy (7) or defibrillator (5) and underwent implantation of a 7-F DurataTM DF-4 implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) stylet-driven lead positioned deep into the interventricular septum. They used a non-deflectable dual curve 9 Fr preformed sheath to angulate this lead for septal penetration. A meticulous combination of electro-anatomical mapping, fluoroscopy, contrast and slack adjustment was used to achieve optimal lead positioning which resulted in LBBAP in unipolar configurations with adequate sensing/pacing in 9 out of 12 patients. In one patient, they were able to achieve adequate LBBA-ICD pacing but poor sensing, whereas two patients were met with failure to penetrate the septum. In 7 out of 9 patients with a successful LBBAP-ICD, they were able to demonstrate successful defibrillation of induced VF. At 5-month follow-up, all successful implants had stable electrical parameters with an increase in median left ventricular ejection fraction from 30 (28.5-35.5)% to 35 (30-36.5)%.The implantation method was not easy, with a median procedure time of 140 minutes, fluoroscopy time of 22.5 minutes, and about 3.5 attempts per patient. Two patients experienced trans-septal perforation and 1 experienced lead micro-dislodgment.This series is the third of its kind, but many uncertainties still exist with this technique. To be clear, Abbott Medical has not formally tested the Durata lead with this type of angulation and flexion and thus advises this practice is off label. Stylet-driven leads have been shown to be associated with increased risk of lead-related complications in the long term, and the number of components that could fail on an extendable/retractable helical defibrillator lead far surpasses a fixed helical lumen-less lead.4 The challenges associated with the extraction of a bulky defibrillator lead embedded deep within the septum remain largely uncharted. As such, extractions could be hindered by an elevated risk of septal perforation, intramyocardial hematoma formation, and ventricular septal defect.The authors observed that the more proximal positioning of the implanted LBBAP-ICD lead within the septum resulted in significant redundancy of the defibrillation coil extending into the right atrium. While they demonstrated adequate defibrillation of induced ventricular fibrillation with this anatomical configuration, the long-term implications remain uncertain. Specifically, concerns arise regarding the potential for progressive tricuspid regurgitation due to interference with the valve apparatus, as well as the possibility of adverse effects on defibrillation thresholds over time. Additionally, the thickened coiled segment of the defibrillator lead posed challenges during implantation, as it was difficult to maneuver through currently available sheaths. Achieving optimal septal positioning required steep angulations, which could introduce a heightened risk of lead fracture over prolonged use.Finally, it should be remembered that cathodal capture of the tip electrode in LBBAP leads results in the QRS complexes we desire- with high-frequency onset and right bundle branch delay morphologies. But for defibrillators in this construct, only bipolar pacing is allowed. In a typical septum, using the interelectrode distances of the lead under study, anodal capture of the RV septum by the ring should be therule rather than the exception at nominal programmed outputs (e.g. , 3V at 0.4ms) if the lead is sufficiently embedded. Capture of the superficial RV septum may not matter if the LV endocardium is depolarized via the Purkinje system, but this hasn’t been proven, and one can be assured these bipolar paced QRSs are not the poster child LBBAP morphologies we are used to seeing. The authors in this series report anodal capture in a minority, but like other series of its kind, granular 12 lead data and rigid criteria for anodal capture are not included. Further, the reduction in QRS duration for those with successful LBBAP in this study was not significantly lower than baseline.Coincidentally, we were asked to provide editorial comment a few months ago on another case series of this type, and, yes, there was a bit of déjà vu when reviewing this account. This does not discount the fact that important and promising breakthroughs are usually heralded by numerous small series, which eventually spark larger, more formal trials, which at this point are sorely needed. Perhaps a greater need lies in the rigorous preclinical testing and design of defibrillator leads and tools specifically intended for placement deep within the septum – an area which subjects leads to forces and geometries entirely different than more traditional implant locations. Ghosh and colleagues should be congratulated on adding to the small but mounting evidence that LBBAP is feasible with a DF4 ICD lead. As the authors note, dedicated non-improvised tools, and continued published clinical experience may better inform us if this practice will be the technique of the future for patients in need of both a defibrillator and ventricular pacing.