Letter to the Editor, BJOG Title:Prophylactic negative wound pressure dressing (NWPD) after caesarean – an extended debate to include surgical aspectsRe: Hyldig N, Joergensen JS, Lamont RF, Moller S, Vinter CA. Prophylactic negative pressure wound therapy in obese women undergoing caesarean section: a commentary on new evidence that fuels the debate. BJOG 2021; https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0528.16750.Author: Mr. Shashikant L SHOLAPURKARMD, DNB, MRCOGDept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,Royal United Hospital, Bath, BA1 3NG, UKEmail: s.sholapurkar@nhs.netTel: 07906620662Word count: 500Corresponding Author: Mr. Shashikant L SHOLAPURKARMD, DNB, MRCOGDept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,Royal United Hospital, Bath, BA1 3NG, UKStatement of interest: The author has no conflict of interest or funding to declare.