Chuyan Tan

and 2 more

Kuniaki Inoue

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This paper addresses the challenges in computing the column moist static energy (MSE) budget in climate models. Residuals from such computations often match other major budget terms in magnitude, obscuring their contributions. This study introduces a methodology for accurately computing the column MSE budget in climate models, demonstrated using the GISS ModelE3. Multiple factors leading to significant residuals are identified, with the failure of the continuous calculus’s chain rule upon discretization being the most critical. This failure causes the potential temperature equation to diverge from the enthalpy equation in discretized models. Consequently, in models using potential temperature as a prognostic variable, the MSE budget equation is fundamentally not upheld, requiring a tailored strategy to close the budget. This study introduces the “process increment method’ for accurately computing the column MSE flux divergence. This method calculates the difference in the sum of column internal energy, geopotential, and latent heats before and after applying the dynamics scheme. Furthermore, the calculated column flux divergence is decomposed into its advective components. These computations enable precise MSE budget analysis. The most crucial finding is that vertical interpolation into pressure coordinates can introduce errors substantial enough to reverse the sign of vertical MSE advection in the warm pool regions. In ModelE3, accurately computed values show MSE import via vertical circulations, while values in pressure coordinates indicate export. This discrepancy may prompt a reevaluation of vertical advection as an exporting mechanism and underscores the importance of precise MSE budget calculations.

Chuyan Tan

and 2 more

Shifts in Southern Ocean (SO, $40 - 85^{o}S$) shortwave cloud feedback ($SW_{FB}$) toward more positive values are the dominant contributor to higher effective climate sensitivity (ECS) in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) models. To provide an observational constraint on the SO $SW_{FB}$, we use a simplified physical model to connect SO $SW_{FB}$ with the response of column-integrated liquid water mass (LWP) to warming and the susceptibility of albedo to LWP in 50 CMIP5 and CMIP6 GCMs. In turn, we predict the responses of SO LWP using a cloud-controlling factor (CCF) model. The combination of the CCF model and radiative susceptibility explains about $50$\% of the variance in the GCM-simulated $SW_{FB}$ in the SO. Observations of SW radiation fluxes, LWP, and CCFs from reanalysis are used to constrain the SO $SW_{FB}$. The response of SO LWP to warming is constrained to $2.76\ -\ 4.19$ $g\ m^{-2}\ K^{-1}$, relative to a GCM prior of $0.64\ -\ 9.33$ $g\ m^{-2}\ K^{-1}$. The susceptibility of albedo to LWP is constrained to be $0.43\ -\ 0.90$ $ (kg\ m^{-2})^{-1}$, relative to $0.30\ -\ 3.91$ $(kg\ m^{-2})^{-1}$. The overall constraint on the contribution of SO to global mean $SW_{FB}$ is $-0.168\ -\ 0.051$ $W\ m^{-2}\ K^{-1}$, relative to $-0.277\ -\ 0.270$ $ W m^{-2} K^{-1}$. In summary, observations suggest SO $SW_{FB}$ is less likely to be as extremely positive as predicted by some CMIP6 GCMs, but more likely to range from moderate negative to weakly positive.

Gregory Elsaesser

and 4 more

Deep convective system maximum areal extent is driven by the stratiform anvil area since system convective area fractions are much less than unity when systems reach peak size. It is important to understand the processes that drive system size given the impact large systems have on rainfall and since anvils may strongly impact high cloud feedbacks. Using satellite diabatic heating and convective-stratiform information mapped to convective systems, composite analyses suggest that system maximum sizes occur at the temporal mid-point of system lifecycles with both maximum size and duration correlating with peak heating above the melting level. However, variations in system growth rates exist, with the overall smooth composites emerging as the average of highly variable system trajectories. Thus, this study focuses on understanding convective system growth rates on short (30-minute) timescales via development of a simple analytical source - sink model that predicts system area changes. Growth occurs when detrained convective mass (inferred from the vertical gradient of diabatic heating and temperature lapse rates) and/or generation of convective area exceeds a sink term whose magnitude is proportional to the current cloud shield size. The model works well for systems over land and ocean, and for systems characterized by varying degrees of convective organization and duration (1.5 - 35 hr, with correlations often >0.8 across lifetime bins). The model may serve as a useful foundation for improved understanding of processes driving changes in tropics-wide convective system cloud shields, and further supports conceptual development and evaluation of prognostic climate model stratiform anvil area parameterizations.

Rick D. Russotto

and 8 more

The next-generation global climate model from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, GISS-E3, contains many improvements to resolution and physics that allow for improved representation of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the model. This study examines the properties of TCs in two different versions of E3 at different points in its development cycle, run for 20 years at 0.5 degree resolution, and compares these TCs with observations, the previous generation GISS model, E2, and other climate models. E3 shares many TC biases common to global climate models, such as having too few tropical cyclones, but is much improved from E2. E3 produces strong enough TCs that observation-based wind speed thresholds can now be used to detect and track them, and some storms now reach hurricane intensity; neither of these was true of E2. Model development between the first and second versions of E3 further increased the number and intensity of TCs and reduced TC count biases globally and in most regions. One-year sensitivity tests to changes in various microphysical and dynamical tuning parameters are also examined. Increasing the entrainment rate for the more strongly entraining plume in the convection scheme increases the number of TCs (though also affecting other climate variables, and in some cases increasing biases). Variations in divergence damping did not have a strong effect on simulated TC properties, contrary to expectations based on previous studies. Overall, the improvements in E3 make it more credible for studies of TC activity and its relationship to climate.