The deployment of photovoltaic (PV) systems in northern climates faces signifi cantchallenges due to snow accumulation, which reduces operational effi ciency. Withclimate change causing extreme weather conditions to occur more frequently(IPCC, 2021), this challenge is exacerbated. Our study focuses on single-axistrackers (SATs) and bifacial panels, introducing a pioneering snow measurementsystem that integrates laser-based sensors and digital image capture on movingpanels. The objective is to enhance snow shedding capabilities and optimize wintereffi ciency through advanced tracker control systems.Our methodologyencompasses power generation metrics, plane-of-array solar irradiation,meteorological data, and ultrasonic snow depth measurements, supplemented byvisual observations for empirical classifi cation of panel conditions. Experimentsinvestigate extreme and horizontal tilting, considering wind-induced shedding todetermine optimal snow shedding angles. Baseline data from March 2023 informexperiments planned for the 2024 winter season.The signifi cance of SATs isunderscored by their dominance in the US utility-scale PV market, accounting for94% of new installations in 2022. Bifacial panels, leveraging the high albedo ofsnow-covered ground, enhance performance in snowy environments. The IPCC AR6emphasizes the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels. Integrating solarenergy, particularly in the global north where snowfall is common, is crucial. Ourproject aims to increase the effi ciency of solar plants during winter months,enhancing system resilience and robustness against extreme weather.Thedevelopment of an advanced snow mitigation algorithm shows considerablepromise. Preliminary experimentation indicates its effectiveness, suggesting it canbe easily adopted by the industry without major modifi cations. This algorithm hasthe potential to establish a new standard for snow management in PV systems. Byleveraging controlled tilting and innovative snow measurement techniques, ourresearch aims to signifi cantly improve the effi ciency and reliability of PV systems inwinter conditions. This will facilitate broader adoption and optimization of solarAbstract content goes here energy in northern climates, addressing a key barrier to year-round renewableenergy generation.