This paper presents a filtering power divider (FPD) that integrates all-frequency absorptive and isolative functionalities while achieving extended out-of-band suppression. The proposed design employs an absorption-isolation network (AIN), composed of microstrip lines and resistors, to ensure simultaneous reflectionless input operation and high isolation without degrading filtering performance or requiring additional absorption circuits. A cascaded coupled-line (CL) structure facilitates broadband filtering and power division, while parallel half-wavelength stubs enhance out-of-band suppression. Additionally, a π-type defected ground structure (DGS) is incorporated to mitigate high-frequency spurious signals, further extending out-of-band suppression without increasing circuit footprint. Theoretical analysis and parametric optimization are performed to establish impedance conditions for achieving reflectionless operation and optimizing circuit performance. A fabricated prototype, centered at 2 GHz, exhibits a 72% 3-dB bandwidth, input reflection below -10 dB across the entire frequency range, all-band isolation exceeding 21.1 dB, and stopband attenuation greater than 25.2 dB up to 6.8 f 0. These results validate the proposed FPD as a compact and high-performance solution for modern RF front-end applications requiring spectral purity and robust isolation.