Climate warming in the Arctic is thawing previously frozen soil (permafrost). Permafrost thaw alters landscape hydrology and increases weathering rates, which can increase the delivery of solutes to adjacent waters. Long-term river monitoring of the Kuparuk River (North Slope, Alaska, USA) confirms significant increases in solutes that are indicative of thawing permafrost. However, there is no evidence of an increase in total phosphorus (TP) or soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), the nutrient that limits primary production in this and similar rivers in the region. Here, we show that Mehlich-3 extractable iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) impart high P biogeochemical sorption capacities across a range of landscape features that we would expect to promote lateral movement of water and solutes to headwater streams in our study watershed. Reanalysis of a recently published pan-Arctic soils database suggests that this high P sorption capacity could be common in other parts of the Arctic region. We conclude that while warming-induced permafrost thaw may increase the potential for P mobility in our watershed, simultaneous increases in pedogenic secondary Fe and Al minerals may continue to retain P in these soils and limit biological productivity in the adjacent river. We suggest that similar interactions may occur in other areas of the Arctic where comparable biogeochemical conditions prevail.