Originating in 1951 in the United States with a cohort of male physicians, field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) now support workforce development in more than 200 countries and territories, with graduates of diverse genders and professional backgrounds. Through the 2018 The Path Forward: The Global Field Epidemiology Roadmap, the field epidemiology leadership group put forward strategies to modernize field epidemiology into the 21st century. The roadmap lacked intersection with contemporary concerns, including diversity, equity and inclusion. Mirroring global health workforce trends that see women overrepresented at the frontline and underrepresented across leadership, a review of the processes to develop The Path Forward highlight inequities across field epidemiology leadership. While nascent Global Field Epidemiology Partnership finalizes its first strategic plan, we provide recommendations to strengthen the utility and relevance of field epidemiology strategies and leadership through investing in understanding the population who are field epidemiologists, creating space for untraditional voices, and diversifying leadership.