How to foster challenging interdisciplinary collaborations: can
philosophy support neuroscientists?
- Markus Kunze
, - Cédric Brun,
- Jérôme Badaut,
- Muriel Darnaudery,
- Léa Peltier,
- Fridolin Gross,
- Thomas Pradeu,
- Isabella Sarto-Jackson
, - Jan Pieter Konsman

Isabella Sarto-Jackson

Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
Author ProfileJan Pieter Konsman

Immuno ConcEpT
Author ProfileAbstract
New conceptual and technological developments bring neuroscientists
closer to other disciplines, and to other fields in neuroscience with
different traditions, despite having overlapping interests. While some
neuroscientists may underrate the potential benefits of successful
interdisciplinary collaborations, some may be unaware of the typical
difficulties of such collaborations or not trained in skills that render
them fruitful. Here, we illustrate how interdisciplinary interactions
have long been part of neuroscience, although they are often
challenging, because neuroscientists may be confronted with concepts,
assumptions, and interpretative horizons that differ from their own.
This can lead to misunderstanding and little mutual appreciation. Using
the historical development of brain imaging techniques, we distinguish
different types of interdisciplinary interactions and illustrate some of
their benefits. In addition, we present challenges at the interface
between traditional laboratory-type approaches and those of clinical or
computational neuroscience, and of ecological field experiments. To
address these, we invite neuroscientists to consider philosophers as
collaboration partners with complementary expertise, which includes
special consideration of language use, underlying assumptions and
proficiency in conceptual analysis. This expertise can be used by
neuroscientists to increase their understanding and to address some
difficulties in interdisciplinary interactions more effectively. The
benefits of these interactions can be expected to outweigh some
challenges in the dialogue with philosophers. Importantly,
neuroscientists can choose between reading philosophical literature,
participating in joint events with philosophers, and integrating
philosophers into neuroscience projects. This may allow neuroscientists
to explore unforeseen possibilities to improve or initiate
collaborations with scientists from other fields and disciplines.13 Dec 2024Submitted to European Journal of Neuroscience 19 Dec 2024Submission Checks Completed
19 Dec 2024Assigned to Editor
19 Dec 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
19 Dec 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned