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GET3B interacts with the thylakoidal ALB3 and ALB4 insertases and is involved in the initial stages of chloroplast biogenesis
  • +6
  • Uwe Bodensohn,
  • Beatrix Dünschede,
  • Chiara Kuhlmann,
  • Khushbu Kumari,
  • Roman Ladig,
  • Christopher Grefen,
  • Enrico Schleiff,
  • Donna Fernandez,
  • Danja Schünemann
Uwe Bodensohn
Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main Institut fur Molekulare Biowissenschaften

Corresponding Author:bodensohn@bio.uni-frankfurt.de

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Beatrix Dünschede
Ruhr Universitat Bochum Historisches Institut
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Chiara Kuhlmann
Ruhr Universitat Bochum Historisches Institut
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Khushbu Kumari
Ruhr Universitat Bochum Historisches Institut
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Roman Ladig
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
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Christopher Grefen
Ruhr Universitat Bochum Historisches Institut
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Enrico Schleiff
Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main Institut fur Molekulare Biowissenschaften
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Donna Fernandez
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Botany
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Danja Schünemann
Ruhr Universitat Bochum Historisches Institut
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Protein targeting and insertion into membranes are essential for cellular organization and organelle function. The Guided Entry of Tail-anchored (GET) pathway facilitates the post-translational targeting and insertion of tail-anchored (TA) membrane proteins. Arabidopsis thaliana has four GET3 homologues, including AtGET3B and AtGET3D localized to chloroplasts. These photosynthetic organelles possess complex membrane systems, and the mechanisms underlying their protein targeting and membrane biogenesis are not fully understood. This study conducted a comprehensive proteomic analysis of get3b mutant plastids, which displayed significant alterations. Fluorometric based complex assembly as well as CO 2 assimilation analyses confirmed that disruption of GET3B function displayed a significant impact on photosystem II assembly as well as carbon fixation, respectively, indicating a functional role in chloroplast biogenesis. Additionally, genetic interactions were found between GET3B and the two component STIC system, which cooperates with the cpSRP pathway and is involved in the co-translational sorting of thylakoid proteins. Further, physical interactions were observed between GET3B and the C-terminus of ALB3 and ALB4 in vitro and the full length proteins in vivo, indicating a role of GET3B in protein targeting and membrane integration within chloroplasts. These findings enhance our understanding of GET3B’s involvement in stromal protein targeting and thylakoidal biogenesis.