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High-Order Error-Feedback Mismatch Error Shaping for Continuous-Time DACs
  • Bojun Hu,
  • Jianjun Fu,
  • Jiaxin Liu
Bojun Hu
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
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Jianjun Fu
China Key System & Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd
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Jiaxin Liu
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Corresponding Author:liujiaxin@uestc.edu.cn

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DAC mismatch is the bottleneck for data converters to achieve high resolution. The error-feedback mismatch error shaping (EF-MES) is an effective method to address the DAC mismatch. However, the existing EF-MES can only achieve the 1st-order shaping for continuous-time (CT) DACs. This letter proposes the methodology and implementation details of a 2nd-order EF MES for CT DACs. This method can also be generalized to arbitrarily high-order EF MES.