Anne Beemelmanns

and 13 more

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) panels are powerful tools for assessing genetic population structure and dispersal of fish that can enhance management practices for commercial, recreational, and subsistence mixed-stock fisheries. Arctic Char(Salvelinus alpinus), Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), and Lake Whitefish(Coregonus clupeaformis) are amongst the top harvested and consumed fish species in northern Indigenous communities in Canada, contributing significantly to food security, culture, and economy. Genomic resources like SNP panels, however, have not been widely accessible to Indigenous fisheries managers. We developed Genotyping-in-Thousands by sequencing (GT-seq) panels for population assignment and mixed-stock analyses for three salmonids to support fisheries co-management in northern Canada. Using low-coverage Whole-Genome Sequencing data from 418 individuals across source populations in Cambridge Bay (Nunavut), Great Slave Lake (Northwest Territories), James Bay (Québec), and Mistassini Lake (Québec), we developed a bioinformatic SNP filtering workflow to select informative SNP markers from genotype likelihoods. These markers were used to design GT-seq panels enabling high-throughput genotyping. Three GT-seq panels yielded an average of 413 autosomal loci and were validated with an average assignment accuracy of 98.5%. These GT-seq panels emerge as powerful tools for assessing population structure and quantifying the relative contributions of populations/stocks in mixed stock fisheries across multiple regions. Interweaving these novel genomic-derived tools with Traditional Ecological Knowledge will ensure the sustainable harvest of three culturally important salmonids in northern Indigenous communities, contributing to food security programs and the economy in northern Canada.

Daniel Ruzzante

and 5 more

Although efforts to estimate Ne, Nc, and their ratio in wild populations are expanding, few empirical studies investigate interannual changes in these parameters. Hence, we do not know how representative many estimates may be. Answering this question requires studies of long-term population dynamics. We non-lethally sampled N=5400 brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) from seven populations during 6 consecutive years (2014-2019) and genotyped them at 33 microsatellites to examine variation in Ne, Nc and their ratio. Nc was estimated by Mark-Recapture (Nc(MR)) (2014-2018) as well as by Close-Kin-Mark-Recapture (Nc(CKMR)) (2015-2017). Within populations, annual variation in Ne (max/min Ne) ranged from 1.6-fold to 58-fold. Over all 7 populations, median annual variation in Ne was 5-fold. These results reflect important interannual changes in reproductive success variance. Within population Nc(MR) varied by a median of 2.7. Thus, Ne varied nearly twice as much as did Nc(MR) . Our results suggest that, at least in small populations, any single annual estimate of Ne is unlikely to be representative of long-term dynamics. At least 3-4 annual estimates may be required for an estimate of contemporary Ne to be representative. For five of the seven populations, Nc(MR) was indistinguishable from Nc(CKMR). The two populations with discordant estimates exhibited the largest annual Ne variation (58-fold and 35.4-fold). These results suggest sampling effort in these two streams may have been insufficient to capture the genetic diversity of the entire population. Our study demonstrates how knowledge of temporal variation in Ne can be used to identify potential biases in Nc(CKMR).