Cocaine, Amphetamine, or Titin: Unraveling the Genetic Underpinnings of Dilated CardiomyopathyNikita Changlani MS31, Binay Kumar Panjiyar MBBS GCSRT2, Clarisa Medina, BS3, Lisa R. Trevino Ph.D.3MS3, Paul L. Foster School of MedicineGCSRT PGME, Harvard Medical SchoolDHR Health Institute for Research and DevelopmentCorresponding Author: Binay Kumar Panjiyar2GCSRT, PGME, Harvard Medical Schoolbinaypanjiyar1282@hotmail.comAuthors’ Contribution Statement:Dr Lisa conceptualized and designed the study, Nikita Changlani collected and analyzed the data, Dr. Binay Panjiyar wrote the initial draft, and Dr. Lisa reviewed and edited the manuscript. Clarisa Medina provided supervision and project administration.Consent Statement:Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for their anonymized information to be published in this article. Ethical Clearance and Approval was also obtained from DHR IRB.Ethics Statement:This study was conducted in accordance with the ethical standards of our institution and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.