Background To analyze the epidemic characteristics of the human
rhinovirus (HRV) outbreaks in Guangzhou, China, in 2020. Method
Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analysis the HRV
related outbreaks of Guangzhou, 2020. Results 17 outbreaks were reported
in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic in Guangzhou, a total of 465
patients (290 males and 175 females) were enrolled, with a median age of
10. 223(47.96%) had been tested for HRV, 89 (39.91%) of which were
positive. 344/465 (73.98%) had fever, 138/465 (29.68%) had runny nose,
139/465 (29.89%) had sore throat, 86/465 (18.49%) had cough, 41/465
(8.82%) had headache, 37/465 (7.96%) had sneeze. Patients at age of 13
to 15 had the highest rate of sore throat and runny nose, patients at
the age of 11 to 12 had the highest rate of sneeze, and patients at age
of 12 to 14 had the highest rate of positive rate. Patients tested
positive had a higher rate of fever (2=11.271, P=0.001), cough
(2=6.987, P=0.008), runny nose (2=7.980, P=0.005) and sneeze
(2=4.676, P=0.031). Conclusion The HRV was restored during the fighting
the COVID-19 Pandemic. The conventional COVID-19 control measures were
not effective enough in preventing rhinovirus. More appropriate control
measures should be used to control HRV.