Nowadays, movable banking apps are thriving in international pecuniary market due to its flexibility and convenience, especially during COVID-19 pandemic lock-down. Despites these benefits, its development continues to face a lot of challenges due to security, privacy, and authentication issues, especially in developing nations where elegant technologies and explicit cyberspace laws remain an issue. This study used PRISMA approach to systematically reviewed present m-banking studies with aims of identifying other security and privacy issues, and user authentication schemes challenges. Six scholarly databases of; IEEE Xplore, EBSCOhost, Science Direct, Scopus, Taylor and Francis, and Web of Science were searched. 38 articles were carefully read and analyzed meticulously. The study results exposed customers fear of third-party intrusion through other apps, device lost or theft with account information, financial loses, and absence of clear cyberspace laws to be the main safety and privacy issues. Also, the results found that the present authentication schemes used by banks are becoming weak and open to various attacks due to increase in online fraud. Thus, proposed two frameworks for investigating other dimensions of risk and trust factors, and for design of new user authentication scheme. Lastly, missing gaps in current studies, and direction for upcoming studies are mentioned.