Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are widely used in visible light communication (VLC) systems, but their bandwidth is generally incomparable to the laser diodes (LDs). Though LDs are exploited in free space optical systems to provide high data rate, such systems generally fail for mobile users due to the challenges in acquisition, tracking and pointing. Recently, various centimeter-level visible light positioning (VLP) systems have been realized, making it possible to realize VLP-assisted communication systems. In this work, we design a novel VLP-assisted indoor laser communication system, where an LED provides the positioning signal for the mobile user and a narrow-beam laser carries high-speed data stream. The estimated position is updated regularly to continuously orient the laser boresight to the user. The error of the VLP system and the outage probability of the VLP-assisted laser communication system are both derived in closed forms. According to the analytical and simulation results, the outage probability is related to the changes of the system parameters, such as the transmission power of the laser and the user position. Moreover, the outage probability can be minimized by optimizing the laser's beam divergence angle. An experimental platform is built to verify the feasibility of our proposed system.