The eNeuron project is an ongoing Horizon 2020 EU-funded project with the main objective of setting out a practical framework for optimising the design and operation of local energy communities (LECs), acting as multi-carrier energy hubs (EH) and micro-energy hubs (mEH). LECs are key in the transition towards green, decarbonised power from local and renewable sources. The consortium is developing and applying pioneering software and hardware solutions, putting them to the test in real energy communities and introducing new governance models. There are four demonstration Pilots in the eNeuron Project: The Polish City of Bydgoszcz, the Skagerak Energilab in Norway, the Lisbon Naval Base (LNB) in Portugal, and the UNIVPM University Campus in Italy. This paper focuses on presenting the Portuguese demo pilot: the Lisbon Naval Base, namely the development of the demonstration activities so far, roughly half of the duration of the project, as well as a balance of all supporting activities, such as Use Case definition, technical activities (asset definition and installation) and social activities (stakeholder engagement). This paper presents a description and conclusion of these activities so far, at the time that the eNeuron preliminary toolbox concept is ready to be shared and implemented in the Pilots.