Hibiki Tsukada

and 4 more

To design a reliable communication system utilizing millimeter-wave (mm-wave) technology, which is gaining popularity due to its ability to deliver multi-gigabit-per-second data rate, it's essential to consider the site-specific nature of the mmwave propagation. Conventional site-general stochastic channel models are often unsatisfactory for accurately reproducing the channel responses under specific usage scenarios or environments. For high-precision channel simulation that reflects sitespecific characteristics, this paper proposes a channel model framework leveraging a widely accepted 3GPP map-based hybrid channel modeling approach, and it provides a detailed recipe to apply it to an actual scenario using some examples. First, an extensive measurement campaign was conducted in typical urban macro and micro cellular environments using an inhouse dual-band (24/60 GHz) double-directional channel sounder. Subsequently, the mm-wave channel behavior was characterized, focusing on the difference between the two frequencies. Then, the site-specific large-scale and small-scale channel properties were parameterized. As an essential component for improving prediction accuracy, this paper proposes an exponential decay model for power delay characteristics of non-line-of-sight clusters, of which powers are significantly overestimated by deterministic prediction tools. Finally, using the in-house channel model simulator (CPSQDSIM) developed for grid-wise channel data (PathGridData) generation, a significant improvement in prediction accuracy compared with the existing 3GPP map-based channel model was demonstrated.

Riku Takahashi

and 3 more

In this paper, comprehensive double-directional channel measurements at 300 GHz in various usage scenarios in corridor environments, such as Access, Device-to-device (D2D), and Backhaul over 40 different receiver (Rx) positions using an in-house developed channel sounder, are presented. The measurement results are analyzed and validated by ray tracing (RT) simulation. The quasi-optical propagation properties at 300 GHz make an accurate estimation of relatively simple propagation in a corridor environment possible by using ray optics theory. However, even though non-trivial quadruple-bounce specular reflection paths can be identified in both scenarios, propagation phenomena other than reflection exist irrespective of the Rx positions. Thus, to model the propagation mechanism appropriately, a quasi-deterministic (QD) channel model comprising deterministic and random components is also proposed. The results generated using the proposed model are found to agree well with our prior observations and measurement results. Finally, the paper concludes by characterizing and comparing the channel for all the investigated scenarios in terms of path loss (PL) and large-scale parameters (LSP). On analyzing the measurement results using synthesized power spectra, proposed QD model, and evaluated PL and LSP it is observed that the Access and D2D scenarios share almost similar propagation mechanisms. Furthermore, in the Access and Backhaul scenario the LoS is observed to be affected by the unresolvable ceiling-reflected components. This study, across three different scenarios, can aid the design of next-generation communication systems operating in the THz spectrum.

Togo Ikegami

and 3 more