Analysis of the influence of large-scale offshore wind power on the
steady-state voltage of the vicinity region of grid connection point
- Weilun Gao
, - Zhigang Wu

Weilun Gao

South China University of Technology School of Electric Power
Author ProfileAbstract
The power characteristics of offshore wind power will change the
regional power flow distribution and affect the regional voltage. In
this paper, the direct-drive wind turbine generator controlled by unity
power factor is selected as the research object, and the influence of
change of wind power on voltage at the grid connection point is analyzed
from the simple integration model. Based on the two critical states of
the external equivalent power of the grid connection point, an
analytical expression of the output of wind power in the corresponding
state is obtained, and the relationship among the critical state
outputs, the output of wind power and the parameters at the grid
connection point is drawn, hence the related influence laws is analyzed.
The influence of change of wind power on voltage and regional reactive
power and the reactance distribution of transmission lines near the grid
connection point is considered to analyze the influence of offshore wind
power on the vicinity region of grid connection point. The rationality
of the conclusion is verified by study the cases of the integration of
offshore wind power into Guangdong power grid, and some suggestions are
put forward for the planning of offshore wind power integration.15 Jul 2023Submitted to IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 19 Jul 2023Submission Checks Completed
19 Jul 2023Assigned to Editor
31 Aug 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
25 Oct 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
30 Oct 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Major