Zoltan Kekecs

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Expectancy theory of hypnosis posits that any procedure can serve as a hypnotic induction provided it is labelled as “hypnosis”. The present study explored this hypothesis by contrasting the effects of two conventional and two unconventional (sham) hypnotic inductions on hypnotic experiences and electrophysiological correlates. In a 2x2 balanced placebo design, all participants were exposed to four conditions: conventional induction labeled as “hypnosis”, conventional induction labeled as “control”, unconventional induction labeled as “hypnosis”, and unconventional induction labeled as “control”. EEG was recorded from 128 channels. We computed EEG features that were identified in previous studies as correlates of hypnosis or hypnotizability. Consistent with the predictions of expectancy theory, we found that one of the unconventional (sham) inductions, “white noise hypnosis”, evoked comparable hypnosis depth to the conventional hypnotic inductions. However, contrary to its predictions, “embedded hypnosis”, another unconventional induction, evoked smaller hypnosis depth reports than the other three inductions. Most EEG features we explored did not differ between conventional and unconventional induction conditions. A possible exception is frontal theta activity, which appeared to increase more in conventional induction trials. The change in frontal gamma power negatively correlated with hypnosis depth, and occipital theta activity positively correlated with hypnotizability in both conventional and unconventional inductions. Overall, our results provide partial support for the expectancy theory of hypnosis. However, our findings should be considered exploratory. Confirmatory research is required to strengthen our confidence in these effects.

Orsolya Szalárdy

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Sleep spindles are major oscillatory components of Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep, reflecting hyperpolarization-rebound sequences of thalamocortical neurons. Reports suggest a link between sleep spindles and several forms of high frequency oscillations which are considered as expressions of pathological off-line neural plasticity in the central nervous system. Here we investigated the relationship between thalamic sleep spindles and ripples in the anterior and mediodorsal nuclei (ANT and MD) of epilepsy patients. Whole-night LFP from the ANT and MD were co-registered with scalp EEG/polysomnography by using externalized leads in 15 epilepsy patients undergoing a Deep Brain Stimulation protocol. Slow (~12 Hz) and fast (~14 Hz) sleep spindles were present in the human ANT and MD and roughly, 20 % of them were associated with ripples. Ripple-associated thalamic sleep spindles were characterized by longer duration and exceeded pure spindles in terms of 100–200 Hz thalamic, but not cortical activity as indicated by time-frequency analysis. Furthermore, ripple amplitude was modulated by the phase of sleep spindles within both thalamic nuclei. No signs of pathological processes were correlated with measures of ripple and spindle association, furthermore, the density of ripple-associated sleep spindles in the ANT and MD showed a positive correlation with general intelligence. Our findings indicate the complex and multifaceted role of the human thalamus in sleep spindle-related physiological and pathological processes.