The demand for water supply and sanitation services is growing fast owing to the interactive effects of demographic growth, economic development and improvements in living standards. Increasing urbanisation has been a worldwide trend since the beginning of the twentieth century, and its increase continues. A long-term sustainable water management system (SWMS) is the solution to ensuring the water rights and water security of citizens are met. The concept of an integrated urban water management system (IUWM) guides the utilities in planning the water system at a hydrological cycle level. The input of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the Internet of Things (IOT) in water management has added a smart quotient to the entire water management scenario. Smartness in water management has increased the overall performance of the system. The global practice of water management in smart cities is based on IUWM combined with smartness in the system. Financing, technology and infrastructure along with governance-which drives the policies, laws and institutional framework-are key drivers of SWMS and IUWM. There is no uniform definition of governance which can guide the governance of IUWM and SWMS.