Living in difficult situations: Lizards living in high altitudes have
smaller body sizes due to extreme climatic conditions and limited
The evolution of body size, both within and between species, has been
long predicted to be influenced by multifarious environmental factors.
However, the specific drivers of body size variation have remained
difficult to understand because of the wide range of proximate factors
that consistently covary with ectotherm body sizes across populations
with varying local environmental conditions. Here, we used a widely
distributed lizard (Eremias argus) collected from different populations
situated across China to assess how climatic conditions and/or available
resources at different altitudes shape the geographical patterns of
lizard body size across populations. We used body size data from
locations differing in altitudes across China to construct linear mixed
models to test the relationship between lizard body size and ecological
and climate conditions across altitudes. Lizard populations showed
significant differences in body size across altitudes. Furthermore, we
found that variation in body size among populations was also explained
by climatic and seasonal changes along the altitudinal gradient.
Specifically, body size decreased with colder and drier environmental
conditions at high altitudes, resulting in a reversal of Bergmann’s
rule. Limited resources at high altitudes, as measured by net primary
productivity, may also constrain body size. Therefore, our study
demonstrates that the intraspecific variation in female lizards’ body
size may be strongly influenced by multifarious local environments as
adaptive plasticity for female organisms to possibly maximise
reproductive ecology along geographic clines.