May 30, 2024
A GPU-based ocean dynamical core for routine mesoscale-resolving climate simulations
Simone Silvestri, Gregory LeClaire Wagner, Navid C Constantinou, et al.
June 23, 2023
CATKE: a turbulent-kinetic-energy-based parameterization for ocean microturbulence wi...
Gregory LeClaire Wagner, Adeline Hillier, Navid C Constantinou, et al.
September 30, 2023
Anomalous Meltwater from Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves is a Historical Forcing
Gavin A. Schmidt, Anastasia Romanou, Lettie Roach, et al.
July 17, 2024
ENSO and West Pacific Seasonality Driven by the South Asian Monsoon
PJ Tuckman, Jane E Smyth, Jingyuan Li, et al.
January 17, 2023
Divergent behavior of hydrothermal plumes in fresh versus salty icy ocean worlds
Suyash Bire, Tushar Mittal, Wanying Kang, et al.
October 02, 2022
Capturing missing physics in climate model parameterizations using neural differentia...
Ali Ramadhan, John C Marshall, Andre Nogueira Souza, et al.