Benjamin J Murray

and 3 more

Tasha Aylett

and 4 more

This study presents an analysis of sporadic-E (Es) structures within WACCM-X (the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere eXtension), including electrodynamical transport of metallic ions. A set of selection criteria have been developed to identify Es layers in WACCM-X output based on the total metal ion density in each model grid box. These criteria are used to create a climatology of Es, which is compared to Es occurrence rates derived from FORMOSAT/COSMIC-1 (Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate) radio-occultation measurements. The novel identification algorithm analyses two-week time slices between altitudes of 90-150km, with Es layer events identified where the three selection criteria are met. Distinct seasonal distributions in Es occurrence were observed that are consistent with previous studies, with peaks during summer and reduced frequencies during winter, alignment of Es with geomagnetic contours, and layers descending in altitude as a function of local time. While discrepancies exist between WACCM-X and COSMIC data (WACCM-X occurrence rates are a factor of ~2 lower than COSMIC-derived occurrence rates at mid-latitudes), highlighting the ongoing challenges in modelling Es layers, this study enhances the modelling capabilities of sporadic Es and deepens our understanding of their formation; it establishes a basis for their enhanced integration into global climate models and facilitates further investigation of Es behaviour under different atmospheric conditions, paving the way to improved prediction of the occurrence of Es.
The gravity wave drag parametrization of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) has been modified to include the wave-driven atmospheric vertical mixing caused by propagating, non-breaking, gravity waves. The strength of this atmospheric mixing is represented in the model via the "effective wave diffusivity" coefficient K_wave. Using K_wave, a new total dynamical diffusivity K_Dyn is defined. K_Dyn represents the vertical mixing of the atmosphere by both breaking (dissipating) and vertically propagating (non-dissipating) gravity waves. Here we show that, when the new diffusivity is used, the downward fluxes of Fe and Na between 80 and 100 km largely increase. Larger meteoric ablation injection rates of these metals (within a factor 2 of measurements) can now be used in WACCM, which produce Na and Fe layers in good agreement with lidar observations. Mesospheric CO2 is also significantly impacted, with the largest CO2 concentration increase occurring between 80-90 km, where model-observations agreement improves. However, in regions where the model overestimates CO2 concentration, the new parametrization exacerbates the model bias. The mesospheric cooling simulated by the new parametrization, while needed, is currently too strong almost everywhere. The summer mesopause in both hemispheres becomes too cold by about 30K compared to observations, but it shifts upward, partially correcting the WACCM low summer mesopause. Our results highlight the far-reaching implications and the necessity of representing vertically propagating gravity waves in climate models. This novel method of modelling gravity waves contributes to growing evidence that it is time to move away from dissipative-only gravity wave parametrizations.

Stephen Christon

and 6 more

The ablation of phosphorus from interplanetary dust particles entering the Earth’s atmosphere is a potentially significant source of this key bio-element. In this study, the atmospheric chemistry of phosphorus is explored by developing a reaction network of possible routes from PO, the major ablation product in the upper mesosphere/lower thermosphere region, to the stable reservoirs H3PO3 and H3PO4 that become incorporated into meteoric smoke particles as metal phosphites and phosphates, respectively. The network is constructed with reactions whose kinetics have been measured experimentally, together with reactions where theoretical rate coefficients are estimated using a combination of electronic structure theory calculations and a Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Markus master equation treatment. The network is then incorporated into a global chemistry-climate model, together with a phosphorus meteoric input function. The estimated global mean P deposition flux, in the form of sub-micron sized meteoric smoke particles, is 1 × 10-8 g m-2 yr-1, with a maximum of ~5 × 10-8 g m-2 yr-1 over the northern Rockies, Himalayas and southern Andes. The estimated fraction of ablated phosphorus forming bio-available metal phosphites is 11%, which results from the very large concentrations of O and H compared to OH in the upper mesosphere. A layer of OPO is predicted to occur at 90 km with a peak of concentration of ~50 cm-3; this is the counterpart of the well-known layers of meteoric metals such as Na and Fe, and may be observable spectroscopically.

Stephen Christon

and 4 more

We compare the long-term suprathermal heavy ion composition measured at three planets using functionally identical charge-energy-mass ion spectrometers, one on Geotail, orbiting Earth at ~9-30 Re, the other on Cassini, in interplanetary space, during Jupiter flyby, and then in orbit around Saturn. O+, a principal suprathermal (~80-220 keV/e) heavy ion in each magnetosphere, derives primarily from outflowing ionospheric O+ at Earth, but mostly from satellites and rings at Jupiter and Saturn. Comparable amounts of Iogenic O+ and S+ are present at Jupiter. Ions escaping the magnetospheres are: O+ and S+ at Jupiter; C+, N+, O+, H2O+, CO+(N2+), and O2+ at Saturn; and N+, O+, N2+, NO+, O2+, and Fe+ at Earth. Generally, escaped atomic ions (molecular ions, MI) at Earth and Saturn have similar (higher) ratios to O+ compared to their magnetospheric ratios; Saturn’s H2O+ and Fe+ ratios are lower. At Earth: after O+ and N+, ionospheric origin N2+, NO+, and O2+ (with proportions ~0.9:1.0:0.2) dominate magnetospheric heavy ions, consistent with recent high-altitude/latitude ionospheric measurements and models; average ion count rates correlate positively with geomagnetic and solar activity. At ~27-33 amu/e: Earth’s MIs dominate over lunar pickup ions (PUIs) in the magnetosphere; MIs are roughly comparable to lunar PUIs in the magnetosheath; and lunar PUIs dominate over MIs beyond Earth’s bow shock. Lunar PUIs are detected at ~39-48 amu/e in the lobe and possibly in the plasma sheet at very low levels.

Graham Mann

and 18 more

The widespread presence of meteoric smoke particles (MSPs) within a distinct class of stratospheric aerosol particles has become clear from in-situ measurements in the Arctic, Antarctic and at mid-latitudes. We apply an adapted version of the interactive stratosphere aerosol configuration of the composition-climate model UM-UKCA, to predict the global distribution of meteoric-sulphuric particles nucleated heterogeneously on MSP cores. We compare the UM-UKCA results to new MSP-sulphuric simulations with the European stratosphere-troposphere chemistry-aerosol modelling system IFS-CB05-BASCOE-GLOMAP. The simulations show a strong seasonal cycle in meteoric-sulphuric particle abundance results from the winter-time source of MSPs transported down into the stratosphere in the polar vortex. Coagulation during downward transport sees high latitude MSP concentrations reduce from ~500 per cm3 at 40km to ~20 per cm3 at 25km, the uppermost extent of the stratospheric aerosol particle layer (the Junge layer). Once within the Junge layer’s supersaturated environment, meteoric-sulphuric particles form readily on the MSP cores, growing to 50-70nm dry-diameter (Dp) at 20-25km. Further inter-particle coagulation between these non-volatile particles reduces their number to 1-5 per cc at 15-20km, particle sizes there larger, at Dp ~100nm. The model predicts meteoric-sulphurics in high-latitude winter comprise >90% of Dp > 10nm particles above 25km, reducing to ~40% at 20km, and ~10% at 15km. These non-volatile particle fractions are slightly less than measured from high-altitude aircraft in the lowermost Arctic stratosphere (Curtius et al., 2005; Weigel et al., 2014), and consistent with mid-latitude aircraft measurements of lower stratospheric aerosol composition (Murphy et al., 1998), total particle concentrations also matching in-situ balloon measurements from Wyoming (Campbell and Deshler, 2014). The MSP-sulphuric interactions also improve agreement with SAGE-II observed stratospheric aerosol extinction in the quiescent 1998-2002 period. Simulations with a factor-8-elevated MSP input form more Dp>10nm meteoric-sulphurics, but the increased number sees fewer growing to Dp ~100nm, the increased MSPs reducing the stratospheric aerosol layer’s light extinction.

John Plane

and 6 more

We have developed a new experimental system to study the pyrolysis of the refractory organic constituents in cosmic dust. Pyrolysis is observed by mass spectrometric detection of CO2 and SO2, and starts from around 850 K. The time-resolved kinetic behaviour is consistent with two organic components – one significantly more refractory than the other, which probably correspond to the insoluble and soluble organic fractions, respectively. The laboratory results are then incorporated into the Leeds Chemical Ablation Model (CABMOD), which is used to predict the conditions under which organic pyrolysis should be detectable using a high performance/large aperture radar. It has been proposed that loss of the organics leads to fragmentation of cometary dust particles into micron-sized fragments. If fragmentation of dust particles from Jupiter Family and Halley Type Comets does occur to a significant extent, there are several important implications: 1) slow-moving particles, particularly from Jupiter Family Comets, will be undetectable by radar, so that the total dust input to the atmosphere may be considerably larger than current estimates of 20 – 50 tonnes per day; 2) experiments at Leeds show that meteoritic fragments are excellent ice nuclei for freezing stratospheric droplets in the polar lower stratosphere, producing polar stratospheric clouds which activate chlorine and cause ozone depletion; and 3) the measured accumulation rates of meteoric smoke particles, micrometeorites and cosmic spherules in the polar regions can now be explained self-consistently.

Mark E. Hervig

and 5 more

Measurements from the Solar Occultation For Ice Experiment (SOFIE) are used to characterize meteoric smoke and meteor influx in both hemispheres. New smoke extinction retrievals from sunrise measurements in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) are presented, which complement the previously reported sunset observations in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). The sunrise observations are in good agreement with simulations from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM), for both the seasonal and height dependence of smoke in the mesosphere. The SOFIE - WACCM comparisons assumed that smoke in the mesosphere exists purely as Fe-rich olivine. This is justified because olivine is detected optically by SOFIE, it has the same elemental abundance as incoming meteoroids, and it is anticipated by theory and laboratory experiments. Treating mesospheric smoke as olivine furthermore brings closure in terms of the ablated and total meteoric influx determined here from SOFIE and a recent and independent investigation based on models and observations. SOFIE observations from 2007 - 2021 indicate a global ablated meteoric influx of 7.3 +/- 2.0 metric tons per day (t/d), which corresponds to a total influx (ablated plus surviving material) of 25.0 +/- 7.0 t/d. Finally, SOFIE indicates less smoke in the polar winter SH compared to NH winter. Finally, the results indicate stronger descent in the NH polar winter mesosphere than in the SH winter. This hemispheric asymmetry is indicated by smoke and water vapor results from both SOFIE and WACCM.