Simone Di Matteo

and 2 more

We present a new spectral analysis method for the identification of periodic signals in geophysical time series. We evaluate the power spectral density with the adaptive multitaper method, a non-parametric spectral analysis technique suitable for time series characterized by colored power spectral density. Our method provides a maximum likelihood estimation of the power spectral density background according to four different models. It includes the option for the models to be fitted on four smoothed versions of the power spectral density when there is a need to reduce the influence of power enhancements due to periodic signals. We use a statistical criterion to select the best background representation among the different smoothing+model pairs. Then, we define the confidence thresholds to identify the power spectral density enhancements related to the occurrence of periodic fluctuations (γ test). We combine the results with those obtained with the multitaper harmonic F test, an additional complex-valued regression analysis from which it is possible to estimate the amplitude and phase of the signals. We demonstrate the algorithm on Monte Carlo simulations of synthetic time series and a case study of magnetospheric field fluctuations directly driven by periodic density structures in the solar wind. The method is robust and flexible. Our procedure is freely available as a stand-alone IDL code at The modular structure of our methodology allows the introduction of new smoothing methods and models to cover additional types of time series. The flexibility and extensibility of the technique makes it broadly suitable to any discipline.

Larry Kepko

and 2 more

Joachim Birn

and 3 more

Using a magnetohydrodynamic simulation of magnetotail reconnection, flow bursts and dipolarization we further investigate the current diversion and energy flow and conversion associated with the substorm current wedge (SCW) or smaller scale wedgelets. Current diversion into both Region 1 (R1) and Region 2 (R2) sense systems is found to happen inside (that is, closer to the center of the flow burst) and equatorward of the R1 and R2 type field-aligned currents. In contrast to earlier investigations the current diversion takes place in dipolarized fields extending all the way toward the equatorial plane. An additional FAC system with the signature of R0 (same sense as R2) is found at higher latitudes in taillike fields. The diversion into this system takes place in layers equatorward of the R0 currents, but outside the equatorial plane. Whereas the diversion into R1 and R2 systems is pressure gradient dominated, the diversion into the R0 system is inertia dominated and may persist only during flow burst activity. While azimuthally diverging flows near the dipole contribute to the build-up of R1 and R2 systems, converging flows at larger distance contribute to the build-up of R0 and R1 systems. In contrast to the current diversion regions inside the current wedge, generator regions are found on the outside of the wedge, similar to earlier results. Within the tail domain covered, these regions are overpowered by load regions, such that additional generator regions must be expected closer to Earth, not covered by the present simulation.
\justify The location of the polar cap boundary is typically determined using low-orbit satellite measurements in which the boundary is identified by its unique signature of a sharp decrease in energy and particle flux poleward of the auroral oval. In principle, this decrease in precipitating particles should appear as a concomitant sharp change in auroral luminosity. Based on a few events, \cite{Blanchard_1995} suggested that a dramatic gradient in redline aurora may also be an indicator of the polar cap boundary. In recent years, advances in capabilities and the deployment of ground-based all-sky imagers have ushered in a new era of auroral measurements. Auroral imaging has moved well beyond the capabilities of the instrumentation in the previous study in terms of both spatial and temporal resolution. We now have access to decades of optical data from arrays spanning a huge spatial range, enabling a fresh examination of the relationship between redline aurora, particle precipitation, and the polar cap open closed boundary. In this study, we use data from the DMSP satellites in conjunction with the University of Calgary’s REGO (630.0nm) data to assess the viability of automated detection of the 2-dimensional polar cap boundary. Our results exhibit good agreement between the optical and particle polar cap boundary and suggest that a luminosity in redline emission could serve as a reasonable proxy for the location of the the electron poleward boundary during, while providing both high temporal and spatial resolution maps of the open-closed boundary.

Simone Di Matteo

and 4 more

Identifying the nature and source of Ultra Low Frequencies (ULF) waves (f ≤ 4 mHz) at discrete frequencies in the Earth’s magnetosphere is a complex task. The challenge comes from the simultaneous occurrence of externally and internally generated waves, and the ability to robustly identify such perturbations. Using a recently developed robust spectral analysis procedure, we study an interval that exhibited in magnetic field measurements at geosynchronous orbit and in ground magnetic observatories both internally supported and externally generated ULF waves. The event occurred on November 9, 2002 during the interaction of the magnetosphere with two interplanetary shocks that were followed by a train of 90 min solar wind periodic density structures. Using the Wang-Sheeley-Arge model, we mapped the source of this solar wind stream to an active region and a mid-latitude coronal hole just prior to crossing the Heliospheric current sheet. In both the solar wind density and magnetospheric field fluctuations, we separated broad power increases from enhancements at specific frequencies. For the waves at discrete frequencies, we used the combination of satellite and ground magnetometer observations to identify differences in frequency, polarization, and observed magnetospheric locations. The magnetospheric response was characterized by: (i) forced breathing by periodic solar wind dynamic pressure variations below ≈ 1 mHz; (ii) a combination of directly driven oscillations and wave modes triggered by additional mechanisms (e.g., shock and interplanetary magnetic field discontinuity impact, and substorm activity) between ≈ 1 and ≈ 4 mHz; and (iii) largely triggered modes above ≈ 4 mHz.