Savvas Raptis

and 4 more

Using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data, we find, classify and analyze transient dynamic pressure enhancements in the magnetosheath (jets) from May 2015 until May 2019. A classification algorithm is presented, using in-situ MMS data to classify jets (n = 8499) into different categories according to their associated angle between IMF and the bow shock normal vector ( θ ). Jets appearing for θ < 45° are referred to as quasi-parallel, while jets appearing for θ > 45° as quasi-perpendicular jets. Furthermore, we define those jets that occur at the boundaries between quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular magnetosheath as boundary jets. Finally, encapsulated jets are jet-like structures with similar characteristics to quasi-parallel jets while the surrounding plasma is of quasi-perpendicular nature. We present the first statistical results of such a classification and provide comparative statistics for each class. Furthermore, we investigate correlations between jet quantities. Quasi-parallel jets have the highest dynamic pressure while occurring more often than quasi-perpendicular jets. The infrequent quasi-perpendicular jets, have a much smaller duration, velocity, and density and are therefore relatively weaker. We conclude that quasi-parallel and boundary jets have similar properties and are unlikely to originate from different generation mechanisms. Regarding the encapsulated jets, we suggest that they are a special subset of quasi-parallel jets originating from the flanks of the bow shock, for large IMF cone angles although a relation to FTEs and magnetospheric plasma is also possible. Our results support existing generation theories, such as the bow shock ripple and SLAMS-associated mechanisms while indicating that other factors may contribute as well.

Julia E. Stawarz

and 16 more

Decomposing the electric field (E) into the contributions from generalized Ohm’s law provides key insight into both nonlinear and dissipative dynamics across the full range of scales within a plasma. Using high-resolution, multi-spacecraft measurements of three intervals in Earth’s magnetosheath from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, the influence of the magnetohydrodynamic, Hall, electron pressure, and electron inertia terms from Ohm’s law, as well as the impact of a finite electron mass, on the turbulent spectrum are examined observationally for the first time. The magnetohydrodynamic, Hall, and electron pressure terms are the dominant contributions to over the accessible length scales, which extend to scales smaller than the electron inertial length at the greatest extent, with the Hall and electron pressure terms dominating at sub-ion scales. The strength of the non-ideal electron pressure contribution is stronger than expected from linear kinetic Alfvén waves and a partial anti-alignment with the Hall electric field is present, linked to the relative importance of electron diamagnetic currents in the turbulence. The relative contribution of linear and nonlinear electric fields scale with the turbulent fluctuation amplitude, with nonlinear contributions playing the dominant role in shaping for the intervals examined in this study. Overall, the sum of the Ohm’s law terms and measured agree to within ~20% across the observable scales. These results both confirm general expectations about the behavior of in turbulent plasmas and highlight features that should be explored further theoretically.

Martin Ulf Lindberg

and 5 more

Key Points: 8 • The change in electron kinetic entropy per particle is calculated for 22 shock cross-9 ings having wide range of shock conditions 10 • The entropy change displays a strong dependence on the electron beta parame-11 ter 12 • The entropy change corresponds to an adiabatic index γ e = 1.595 ± 0.036 13 Corresponding author: Martin Lindberg, 14 We use Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data to study electron kinetic entropy across 15 Earth’s quasi-perpendicular bow shock. We have selected 22 shock crossings covering a 16 wide range of shock conditions. Measured distribution functions are calibrated and cor-17 rected for spacecraft potential, secondary electron contamination, lack of measurements 18 at the lowest energies and electron density measurements based on the plasma frequency 19 measurements. The change in electron kinetic entropy per particle is calculated for 22 20 shock crossings. 20 out of 22 crossings display an increase in the electron kinetic entropy 21 per particle ranging between 0.1-1.4 k B while two crossings display a slight decrease of 22-0.06 k B. We observe that the change in electron kinetic entropy, ∆S e , displays a strong 23 dependence on the change in electron temperature, ∆T e , and the upstream electron plasma 24 beta, β e. Shocks with high ∆T e are found to have high ∆S e. Shocks with low upstream 25 electron plasma betas are associated to higher ∆S e than shocks with large electron plasma 26 beta. We show that the calculated entropy per particle is strictly less than the maximum 27 state of entropy obtained using a Maxwellian distribution function. The resulting change 28 in electron kinetic entropy per particle ∆S e , density ∆n e and temperature ∆T e is used 29 to determine a value for the adiabatic index of electrons. We find that an adiabatic in-30 dex of γ e = 1.595 ± 0.036 describes the observations best.