The multiscale analysis of fracture patterns helps to define the geometric scaling laws and the genetic relationships correlating outcrop- and regional-scale structures in a fracture network. Here we present the results of the multiscale analysis of the geometrical and spatial organization properties of the fracture network affecting the Rolvsnes granodiorite of the crystalline basement of southwestern Norway (Bømlo island). The fracture network shows a spatial distribution described by a fractal dimension D ≈ 1.51, with fracture lengths distributed following a power-law scaling law (exponent α = -1.95). However, orientation-dependent analyses show that the identified fracture sets vary their relative abundance and spatial organization with scale, defining a hierarchical network. Fracture length, density, and intensity of each set vary following power-law scaling laws characterized by their own exponents. Comparing the results from each set with those generated from the entire network, we discuss how the obtained scaling laws improve the accuracy of resolving sub-seismic-resolution scale structures, which steer the local-scale permeability of fractured reservoirs. As documented in the field, the identified fracture sets affect the fractured basement permeability differently. Thus, results of multiscale, orientation-dependent statistical analyses, integrated with field analyses of fracture lineaments, can effectively improve the detail and accuracy of permeability prediction of fractured reservoirs. Our results show also how regional geology and analytical biases affect the results of multiscale analyses and how they must be critically assessed before extrapolating the conclusions to any other similar case study of fractured unconventional geofluids reservoirs.