Huazhi Li

and 3 more

Current large-scale coastal flood risk assessments are typically based on scenarios considering a range of spatially uniform return periods (RP). These assessments do not account for the spatial variability of real flood events, and only estimate average annual losses. In this study, we address these limitations by developing a novel event-based probabilistic framework to capture the spatial dependence structure of coastal floods, and use it to investigate the effects of spatial dependence on national flood risk estimates globally. We show that the widely-used RP-based approach gives lower damage estimates for relatively low return periods while higher damages are estimated for medium-to-large return periods. The intersection point where lower damage estimations turn into higher damage estimations varies across countries and is primarily dependent on local flood protection standards. We also provide the first global mapping of differences in risk indicators between these two approaches in terms of expected annual damages (EAD) and 1-in-200-year damages. We show that spatial dependence has minor effects on the EAD but the RP200 damage is estimated higher for 76% of global countries by the RP-based approach. Accounting for flood protection standards is found to increase these differences. Lastly, we demonstrate the added value of our approach by showing the flood damages of the simulation year with the highest combined annual damages at a subnational scale for each continent. Our framework provides more accurate large-scale coastal flood risk estimates, which can aid in better regional planning decisions, more precise insurance pricing, and improved emergency responses.

Sanne Muis

and 7 more

Alessia Matanó

and 4 more

Disaster risks are the results of complex spatiotemporal interactions between risk components, impacts and societal response. The complexities of these interactions increase when multi-risk events occur in fragile contexts characterized by ethnic conflicts, unstable governments, and high levels of poverty, resulting in impacts that are larger than anticipated. Yet, only few multi-risk studies explore human-environment interactions, as most studies are hazard-focused, consider only a single type of multi-risk interaction, and rarely account for spatiotemporal variations of risk components. Here, we developed a step-wise, bottom-up approach, in which a range of qualitative and semi-quantitative methods was used iteratively to reconstruct interactions and feedback loops between risk components and impacts of consecutive drought-to-flood events, and explore their spatiotemporal variations. Within this approach, we conceptualize disaster risk as a set of multiple (societal and physical) events interacting and evolving across space and time. The approach was applied to the 2017-2018 humanitarian crises in Kenya and Ethiopia, where extensive flooding followed a severe drought lasting 18-24 months. The events were also accompanied by government elections, crop pest outbreaks and ethnic conflicts. Results show that (1) the fragile Kenyan and Ethiopian contexts further aggravated drought and flood impacts; (2) heavy rainfall after drought led to both an increase and decrease of the drought impacts dependent on topographic and socio-economic conditions; (3) societal response to one hazard may influence risk components of opposite hazards. A better understanding of the human-water interactions that characterize multi-risk events can support the development of effective monitoring systems and response strategies.