Santiago Botía

and 30 more

Ronny Lauerwald

and 42 more

In the framework of the RECCAP2 initiative, we present the greenhouse gas (GHG) and carbon (C) budget of Europe. For the decade of the 2010s, we present a bottom-up (BU) estimate of GHG net-emissions of 3.9 Pg CO2-eq. yr-1 (global warming potential on 100 year horizon), and are largely dominated by fossil fuel emissions. In this decade, terrestrial ecosystems are a net GHG sink of 0.9 Pg CO2-eq. yr-1, dominated by a CO2 sink. For CH4 and N2O, we find good agreement between BU and top-down (TD) estimates from atmospheric inversions. However, our BU land CO2 sink is significantly higher than TD estimates. We further show that decadal averages of GHG net-emissions have declined by 1.2 Pg CO2-eq. yr-1 since the 1990s, mainly due to a reduction in fossil fuel emissions. In addition, based on both data driven BU and TD estimates, we also find that the land CO2 sink has weakened over the past two decades. In particular, we identified a decreasing sink strength over Scandinavia, which can be attributed to an intensification of forest management. These are partly offset by increasing CO2 sinks in parts of Eastern Europe and Northern Spain, attributed in part to land use change. Extensive regions of high CH4 and N2O emissions are mainly attributed to agricultural activities and are found in Belgium, the Netherlands and the southern UK. We further analyzed interannual variability in the GHG budgets. The drought year of 2003 shows the highest net-emissions of CO2 and of all GHGs combined.

Chenwei Xiao

and 9 more

Land use and land cover changes have altered terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage, but their impacts on ecosystem sensitivity to drought and temperature fluctuations have not been evaluated spatially over the globe. We estimate drought and temperature sensitivities of ecosystems using vegetation greenness from satellite observations and vegetation biomass from dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) simulations. Using a space-for-time substitution with satellite data, we first illustrate the effects of vegetation cover changes on drought and temperature sensitivity and compare them with the effects estimated from DGVMs. We also compare simulations forced by scenarios with and without land cover changes to estimate the historical land cover change effects. Satellite data and vegetation models both show that converting forests to grasslands results in a more negative or decreased positive sensitivity of vegetation greenness or biomass to drought. Significant variability exists among models for other types of land cover transitions. We identify substantial effects of historical land cover changes on drought sensitivity from model simulations with a generally positive direction globally. Deforestation can lead to either an increased negative sensitivity, as drought-tolerant forests are replaced by grasslands or croplands, or a decreased negative sensitivity since forests under current land cover are predicted to exhibit greater drought resistance compared to those under pre-industrial land cover. Overall, our findings emphasize the critical role of forests in maintaining ecosystem stability and resistance to drought and temperature fluctuations, thereby implying their importance in stabilizing the carbon stock under increasingly extreme climate conditions.

Qing Sun

and 22 more

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas and an ozone-depleting agent with large and growing anthropogenic emissions. Previous studies identified the influx of N2O-depleted air from the stratosphere to partly cause the seasonality in tropospheric N2O (aN2O), but other contributions remain unclear. Here we combine surface fluxes from eight land and four ocean models from phase 2 of the Nitrogen/N2O Model Intercomparison Project with tropospheric transport modeling to simulate aN2O at the air sampling sites: Alert, Barrow, Ragged Point, Samoa, Ascension Island, and Cape Grim for the modern and preindustrial periods. Models show general agreement on the seasonal phasing of zonal-average N2O fluxes for most sites, but, seasonal peak-to-peak amplitudes differ severalfold across models. After transport, the seasonal amplitude of surface aN2O ranges from 0.25 to 0.80 ppb (interquartile ranges 21-52% of median) for land, 0.14 to 0.25 ppb (19-42%) for ocean, and 0.13 to 0.76 ppb (26-52%) for combined flux contributions. The observed range is 0.53 to 1.08 ppb. The stratospheric contributions to aN2O, inferred by the difference between surface-troposphere model and observations, show 36-126% larger amplitudes and minima delayed by ~1 month compared to Northern Hemisphere site observations. Our results demonstrate an increasing importance of land fluxes for aN2O seasonality, with land fluxes and their seasonal amplitude increasing since the preindustrial era and are projected to grow under anthropogenic activities. In situ aN2O observations and atmospheric transport-chemistry models will provide opportunities for constraining terrestrial and oceanic biosphere models, critical for projecting surface N2O sources under ongoing global warming.

Rackhun Son

and 11 more

Fire is a crucial factor in terrestrial ecosystems playing a role in disturbance for vegetation dynamics. Process-based fire models quantify fire disturbance effects in stand-alone dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) and their advances have incorporated both descriptions of natural processes and anthropogenic drivers. Nevertheless, these models show limited skill in modeling fire events at the global scale, due to stochastic characteristics of fire occurrence and behavior as well as the limits in empirical parameterizations in process-based models. As an alternative, machine learning has shown the capability of providing robust diagnostics of fire regimes. Here, we develop a deep-learning-based fire model (DL-fire) to estimate daily burnt area fraction at the global scale and couple it within JSBACH4, the land surface model used in the ICON ESM. The stand-alone DL-fire model forced with meteorological, terrestrial and socio-economic variables is able to simulate global total burnt area, showing 0.8 of monthly correlation (rm) with GFED4 during the evaluation period (2011-15). The performance remains similar with the hybrid modeling approach JSB4-DL-fire (rm=0.79) outperforming the currently used uncalibrated standard fire model in JSBACH4 (rm=-0.07). We further quantify the importance of each predictor by applying layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP). Overall, land properties, such as fuel amount and water content in soil layers, stand out as the major factors determining burnt fraction in DL-fire, paralleled by meteorological conditions over tropical and high latitude regions. Our study demonstrates the potential of hybrid modeling in advancing fire prediction in ESMs by integrating deep learning approaches in physics-based dynamical models.

Alexander J Winkler

and 16 more

Satellite data reveal widespread changes in Earth’s vegetation cover. Regions intensively attended to by humans are mostly greening due to land management. Natural vegetation, on the other hand, is exhibiting patterns of both greening and browning in all continents. Factors linked to anthropogenic carbon emissions, such as CO2 fertilization, climate change, and consequent disturbances such as fires and droughts, are hypothesized to be key drivers of changes in natural vegetation. A rigorous regional attribution at the biome level that can be scaled to a global picture of what is behind the observed changes is currently lacking. Here we analyze different datasets of decades-long satellite observations of global leaf area index (LAI, 1981–2017) as well as other proxies for vegetation changes and identify several clusters of significant long-term changes. Using process-based model simulations (Earth system and land surface models), we disentangle the effects of anthropogenic carbon emissions on LAI in a probabilistic setting applying causal counterfactual theory. The analysis prominently indicates the effects of climate change on many biomes – warming in northern ecosystems (greening) and rainfall anomalies in tropical biomes (browning). The probabilistic attribution method clearly identifies the CO2 fertilization effect as the dominant driver in only two biomes, the temperate forests and cool grasslands, challenging the view of a dominant global-scale effect. Altogether, our analysis reveals a slowing down of greening and strengthening of browning trends, particularly in the last 2 decades. Most models substantially underestimate the emerging vegetation browning, especially in the tropical rainforests. Leaf area loss in these productive ecosystems could be an early indicator of a slowdown in the terrestrial carbon sink. Models need to account for this effect to realize plausible climate projections of the 21st century.

Fabrice Lacroix

and 7 more

Biogeochemical cycling in permafrost-affected ecosystems remains associated with large uncertainties, which could impact the Earth’s greenhouse gas budget and future climate mitigation policies. In particular, increased nutrient availability following permafrost thaw could perturb biogeochemical cycling in permafrost systems, an effect largely unexplored in global assessments. In this study, we enhance the terrestrial ecosystem model QUINCY, which fully couples carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycles in vegetation and soil, with processes relevant in high latitudes (e.g., soil freezing and snow dynamics). We use this enhanced model to investigate impacts of increased carbon and nutrient availability from permafrost thawing in comparison to other climate-induced effects and CO2 fertilization over 1960 to 2019 over a multitude of tundra sites. Our simulation results suggest that vegetation growth in high latitudes is acutely N-limited at our case study sites. Despite this, enhanced availability of nutrients in the deep active layer following permafrost thaw, simulated to be around 0.1 m on average since the 1960s, accounts for only 11 % of the total GPP increase averaged over all sites. Our analysis suggests that the decoupling of the timing of peak vegetative growth (week 27-29 of the year, corresponding to mid-to-late July) and maximum thaw depth (week 34-37, corresponding to mid-to-late August), lead to an incomplete plant use of newly available nutrients at the permafrost front. Due to resulting increased availability of N at the permafrost table, as well as alternating water saturation levels, increases in both nitrification and denitrification enhance N2O emissions in the simulations. Our model thus suggests a weak (5 mg N m-2 yr-1) but increasing source of N2O, which reaches trends of up to +1 mg N m-2 yr-1 per decade, locally, which is potentially of large importance for the global N2O budget.

Christian Seiler

and 17 more

The Global Carbon Project estimates that the terrestrial biosphere has absorbed about one-third of anthropogenic CO2 emissions during the 1959-2019 period. This sink-estimate is produced by an ensemble of terrestrial biosphere models collectively referred to as the TRENDY ensemble and is consistent with the land uptake inferred from the residual of emissions and ocean uptake. The purpose of our study is to understand how well TRENDY models reproduce the processes that drive the terrestrial carbon sink. One challenge is to decide what level of agreement between model output and observation-based reference data is adequate considering that reference data are prone to uncertainties. To define such a level of agreement, we compute benchmark scores that quantify the similarity between independently derived reference datasets using multiple statistical metrics. Models are considered to perform well if their model scores reach benchmark scores. Our results show that reference data can differ considerably, causing benchmark scores to be low. Model scores are often of similar magnitude as benchmark scores, implying that model performance is reasonable given how different reference data are. While model performance is encouraging, ample potential for improvements remains, including a reduction in a positive leaf area index bias, improved representations of processes that govern soil organic carbon in high latitudes, and an assessment of causes that drive the inter-model spread of gross primary productivity in boreal regions and humid tropics. The success of future model development will increasingly depend on our capacity to reduce and account for observational uncertainties.