Miroslav Hanzelka

and 5 more

Whistler-mode chorus waves play a crucial role in accelerating electrons in Earth’s outer radiation belt to relativistic and ultrarelativistic energies. While this electron evolution is typically modeled using a diffusion approximation for scattering, high-amplitude chorus waves induce nonlinear resonant effects that challenge this approach on short time scales. The long-term influence of these nonlinear interactions on radiation belt dynamics remains an unresolved issue. Recent simplified models suggest rapid nonlinear acceleration to ultrarelativistic energies, with formation of butterfly distributions during parallel wave propagation. In this study, we introduce a novel numerical approach based on Liouville phase space density mapping to investigate nonlinear scattering by high-amplitude waves over extended periods (minutes and beyond). We use a numerical wave field model of lower-band chorus risers that includes realistic fine-spectral features including subpacket modulations, phase decoherence, and jumps in wave normal angle. By incorporating these detailed spectral characteristics of the waves, we demonstrate that the rapid acceleration occurs across a broader pitch-angle range, forming a flat-top distribution. Similar effect is observed as the repetition period of chorus elements becomes shorter, with the additional effect of increased electron precipitation due to transition from bursty to continuous flux profiles in the loss cone. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating nonlinear effects and fine-scale wave properties in the future development of high-energy electron models for the outer radiation belt.

Ivana Kolmasova

and 2 more

In this study, we use the World Wide Lightning Location Network data and investigate properties of more than ninety thousand lightning strokes which hit Northern Europe during an unusually stormy winter 2014/2015. Thunderstorm days with at least two strokes hitting an area of 0.5° x 0.5° occurred 5-13 times per month in the stormiest regions. Such frequency of thunderstorm days is about five times higher than a mean annual number calculated for the same region over winter months in 2008-2017. The number of individual winter lightning strokes was about four times larger than the long-term median calculated over the last decade. In colder months of December, January and February, the mean energy of detected strokes was by two order of magnitude larger than the global mean stroke energy of 1 kJ. We show for the first time that winter superbolts with radiated electromagnetic energies above one mega joule appeared at night and in the morning hours, while the diurnal distribution of all detected lightning was nearly uniform. We also show that the superbolts were often single stroke flashes and that their subsequent strokes never reached MJ energies. The lightning strokes were concentrated above the ocean close to the western coastal areas. All these lightning characteristics suppose an anomalously efficient winter thundercloud charging in the eastern North Atlantic, especially at the sea-land boundary. We found that the resulting unusual production of lightning could not be explained solely by an anomalously warm sea surface caused by a positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation and by a starting super El Nino event. Increased updraft strengths, which are believed to accompany the cold to warm transition phase of El Nino, might have acted as another charging driver. We speculate that a combination of both these large-scale climatic events might have been needed to produce observed enormous amount of winter lightning in winter 2014/2015.

David R. Shklyar

and 5 more

VLF spectrograms registered at Kannuslehto ground station, after cleaning them from strong sferics, reveal VLF noise suppression by whistlers and whistler echo trains, which consists in significant reduction in the noise spectral power after a strong whistler event. We have found similar effect in the VLF data from Van Allen Probe B taken in the equatorial region on L-shell ~ 3. Detailed analysis of the data shows that the whistler echo train as well as the VLF noise have small wave normal angles. Based on this observation, we limit our analysis to parallel (ducted) whistler wave propagation. The persistence of whistler echo train as well as the VLF noise suggests that in the events under discussion, plasma is unstable in the frequency range corresponding to the observed VLF noise band. In an attempt to explain the effect of VLF noise suppression, we follow up the long-standing idea that relates this effect to the reduction of free energy in the unstable plasma distribution by whistler echo train. To develop this idea into qualitative model, we have studied the motion of energetic electrons, responsible for the noise generation, in the field of ducted whistler echo train. We show that energetic electrons that make the main contribution to the growth rate of VLF noise, during their bounce oscillations in the magnetosphere are subject to multiple resonant impacts from the whistler echo train. These lead to energetic electron diffusion in the phase space, and the corresponding reduction in free energy of the unstable distribution.

Andrei G. Demekhov

and 8 more

Stéphane Erard

and 18 more

The Europlanet H2020 program started on 1/9/2015 for 4 years. It includes an activity to adapt Virtual Observatory (VO) techniques to Planetary Science data called VESPA. The objective is to facilitate searches in big archives as well as sparse databases, to provide simple data access and on-line visualization, and to allow small data providers to make their data available in an interoperable environment with minimum effort. The VESPA system has been hugely improved during the first three years of Europlanet H2020: the infrastructure has been upgraded to describe data in many fields more accurately; the main user search interface (http://vespa.obspm.fr) has been redesigned to provide more flexibility; alternative ways to access Planetary Science data services from VO tools have been implemented; VO tools are being improved to handle specificities of Solar System data, e.g. measurements in reflected light, coordinate systems, etc. Current steps include the development of a connection between the VO world and GIS tools, and integration of Heliophysics, planetary plasmas, and mineral spectroscopy data to support of the analysis of observations. Existing data services have been updated, and new ones have been designed. The global objective is already overstepped, with 42 services open (including ESA’s PSA) and ~15 more being finalized. A procedure to install data services has been documented, and hands-on sessions are organized twice a year at EGU and EPSC; this is intended to favour the installation of services by individual research teams, e.g. to distribute derived data related to a published study. In complement, regular discussions are held with big data providers, starting with space agencies (IPDA). Common projects with PDS have been engaged, with the goal to connect PDS4 and EPN-TAP based on a local data dictionary. In parallel, a Solar System Interest Group has been established in IVOA; the goal is here to adapt existing astronomy standards to Planetary Science. The Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654208. [1] Erard et al 2014, Astronomy & Computing 7-8, 71-80. http://arxiv.org/abs/1407.4886