Alfredo A Cruz

and 4 more

We present a proof of concept for the probabilistic emulation of the Ring current-Atmosphere interactions Model with Self-Consistent magnetic field (RAM-SCB) particle flux. We extend the workflow developed by Licata and Mehta (2023) by applying it to the ring current and further developing its uncertainty quantification methodology. We introduce a novel approach for sampling over 20 years of solar and geomagnetic activity to identify 30 simulation periods, each one week long, to generate the training, validation, and test datasets. Large-scale physics-based simulation models for the ring current can be computationally expensive. This work aims at creating an emulator that is more efficient, capable of forecasting, and provides an estimate on the uncertainty of its predictions, all without requiring large computational resources. We demonstrate the emulation process on a subset of particle flux: a single energy channel of omnidirectional flux. A principal component analysis (PCA) is used for the dimensionality reduction into the reduced-space, and the dynamic modeling is performed with a recurrent neural network. A hierarchical ensemble of Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks provides the statistics needed to produce a probabilistic output, resulting in a reduced-order probabilistic emulator (ROPE) that performs time-series forecasting of the ring current’s particle flux with an estimate on its uncertainty distribution. The resulting ROPE from this smaller subset of RAM-SCB particle flux provides dynamic predictions with errors less than 11% and calibration scores under 10%, demonstrating that this workflow can provide a probabilistic emulator with a robust and reliable uncertainty estimate when applied to the ring current.

Artem Smirnov

and 10 more

Turbulent and compressed sheath regions preceding interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) strongly impact electron dynamics in the outer radiation belt. Changes in electron flux can occur on timescales of tens of minutes, which is difficult to capture by a two-satellite mission such as the Van Allen Probes (RBSP). The recently released Global Positioning System (GPS) data set has higher data density owing to the large number of satellites in the constellation equipped with energetic particle detectors. Investigating electron fluxes in a wide range of energies and sheaths observed from 2012 to 2018, we show that the flux response to sheaths on a timescale of 6 hours, previously reported from RBSP data, is reproduced by GPS measurements. Furthermore, GPS data enables derivation of the response on a shorter timescale of 30 minutes, which further confirms that the energy and L-shell dependent changes in electron flux are due to the impact of the sheath. Sheath-driven loss is underestimated over longer timescales as the electrons recover during the ejecta. We additionally show the response of electron phase space density (PSD), which is a key quantity in identifying true loss from the system and electron energization through wave-particle interactions. The PSD response is calculated from both RBSP and GPS data for the 6-hour timescale, as well as from GPS data for the 30-minute timescale. The response is divided based on the geoeffectiveness of the sheaths revealing that electrons are effectively accelerated only during geoeffective sheaths, while loss is commonly caused by all sheaths.

Geoffrey Reeves

and 6 more

We present a methodology to define strong, moderate, and intense space weather events based on probability distributions. We have illustrated this methodology using a long-duration, uniform data set of 1.8-3.5 MeV electron fluxes from multiple LANL geosynchronous satellite instruments but a strength of this methodology is that it can be applied uniformly to heterogeneous data sets. It allows quantitative comparison of data sets with different energies, units, orbits, etc. The methodology identifies a range of times, “events”, using variable flux thresholds to determine average event occurrence in arbitrary 11-year intervals (“cycles”). We define strong, moderate, and intense events as those that occur 100, 10, and 1 time per cycle and identify the flux thresholds that produce those occurrence frequencies. The methodology does not depend on any ancillary data set (e.g. solar wind or geomagnetic conditions). We show event probabilities using GOES > 2 MeV fluxes and compare them against event probabilities using LANL 1.8-3.5 MeV fluxes. We present some examples of how the methodology picks out strong, moderate, and intense events and how those events are distributed in time: 1989 through 2018, which includes the declining phases of solar cycles 22, 23, and 24. We also provide an illustrative comparison of moderate and strong events identified in the geosynchronous data with Van Allen Probes observations across all L-shells. We also provide a catalog of start and stop times of strong, moderate, and intense events that can be used for future studies.