Brendan J Cych

and 4 more

The minerals carrying the magnetic remanence in geological samples are commonly a solid solution series of iron-titanium spinels known as titanomagnetites. Despite the range of compositions within this series, micromagnetic studies that characterize the magnetic domain structures present in these minerals have typically focused on magnetite. No studies systematically comparing the domain-states present in titanomagnetites have been undertaken since the discovery of the single vortex (SV) structure and the advent of modern micromagnetism. The magnetic properties of the titanomagnetite series are known to vary with composition, which may influence the domain states present in these minerals, and therefore the magnetic stability of the samples bearing them. We present results from micromagnetic simulations of titanomagnetite ellipsoids of varying shape and composition to find the size ranges of the single domain (SD) and SV structures. These size ranges overlap, allowing for regions where the SD and SV structures are both available. These regions are of interest as they may lead to magnetic instability and “pTRM tails’ in paleointensity experiments. We find that although this SD+SV zone occupies a narrow range of sizes for equidimensional magnetite, it is widest for intermediate (TM30-40) titanomagnetite compositions, and increases for both oblate and prolate particles, with some compositions and sizes having an SD+SV zone up to 100s of nm wide. Our results help to explain the prevalence of pTRM tail-like behavior in paleointensity experiments. They also highlight regions of particles with unusual domain states to target for further investigation into the definitive mechanism behind paleointensity failure.

Greig Paterson

and 5 more

Magnetic hysteresis measurements are routinely made in the Earth and planetary sciences to identify geologically meaningful  magnetic recorders, and to study variations in present and past environments. Interpreting magnetic hysteresis data in terms of domain state (particle size)  and paleomagnetic stability are major motivations behind undertaking these measurements, but the interpretations remain  fraught with challenges and ambiguities. To shed new light on these ambiguities, we have undertaken a systematic micromagnetic study to quantify the magnetic hysteresis behavior of room-temperature magnetite as a function of particle size (50-195 nm; equivalent spherical volume diameter) and shape (oblate, prolate and equant); our models span uniformly magnetized single domain (SD) to non-uniformly magnetized single vortex (SV) states. Within our models the reduced magnetization  marks a clear boundary between SD (≥0.5) and SV (<0.5) magnetite. We further identify particle sizes and shapes with unexpectedly low coercivity and coercivity of remanence. These low coercivity regions correspond to magnetite particles that typically have multiple possible magnetic domain states, which has been previously linked to a zone of unstable magnetic recorders. Of all hysteresis parameters investigated, transient hysteresis is most sensitive to particles that exhibit such domain state multiplicity, leading us to suggest that transient behavior be more routinely measured during rock magnetic investigations.

Lesleis Nagy

and 6 more

Huafeng Qin

and 8 more

Thermal demagnetization furnaces are routine facilities that underpin countless paleomagnetic studies by allowing the progressive removal of naturally acquired magnetic remanence or the imparting of well controlled laboratory magnetization. The ideal thermal demagnetizer should maintain “zero” magnetic field during thermal treatments. However, magnetic field noise, including residual magnetic fields of material used to construct the furnace and induced fields caused by the heating current in the furnace are always present. As technology advances allowing the measurement of ever weaker magnetic remanences, it is essential that high-performance demagnetization furnaces are developed to reduce these sources of magnetic field noise. By combining efficient demagnetization of shielding and a new structure of heating wire, we have developed a new demagnetization furnace with low magnetic field noise. Repeated progressive thermal demagnetization experiments using specimens that were previously completely thermally demagnetized above their Curie temperature were carried out to explore the effects of fields within various types of furnace during demagnetization. These experiments confirm that magnetic field noise in various furnaces can have an observable and detrimental impact on demagnetization behavior and that this is reduced with our new design. The new heating element design and procedure for reducing magnetic field noises represent a significant improvement in the design of thermal demagnetizers and allows for extremely weak specimens to be successfully measured.

Greig Paterson

and 3 more

Magnetic hysteresis loops are an important tool in theoretical and applied rock magnetism with applications to paleointensities, paleoenvironmental analysis, and tectonic studies, among many others. Hence, information derived from these data is amongst the most ubiquitous rock magnetic data used by the Earth science community. Despite their prevalence, there are no general guidelines to aid scientists in obtaining the best possible data and no widely available software to allow the efficient analysis of hysteresis loop data using the most advanced and appropriate methods. Here we provide an outline of detrimental factors and simple approaches to measuring better hysteresis loops as well as introducing a new MATLAB software package called Hysteresis Loop analysis box (HystLab) for processing and analyzing loop data. This graphical user interface software is capable of reading the wide range of data formats that are generated by the multiple types of equipment typically used to measure hysteresis loops. HystLab provides an easy-to-use interface allowing users to visualize their data and perform advanced processing, including loop centering, drift correction, linear and approach to saturation high-field slope corrections, as well as loop fitting to improve the results from noisy specimens. A large number of hysteresis loop properties and statistics are calculated by HystLab and can be exported to text files for further analysis. All plots generated by HystLab are customizable and user preferences can be saved for future use. In addition, all plots can be exported to encapsulated postscript (EPS) files that are publication ready with little or no adjustment, greatly enhancing workflow productivity when processing and analyzing large data sets. HystLab is freely available for download at and in combination with our simple measurement guide should help the paleo- and rock magnetic communities get the most from their hysteresis data.