COVID-19 has affected domestic and international food industries as a result of government closures of restaurants and bars in an attempt to stop the spread of the disease. The restaurant industry greatly aids every nation’s economic stability. This study aimed to determine how COVID-19 restrictions would affect eateries and other related businesses. The primary subjects of this study were restaurant owners in the Idukki neighborhood. This study aims to investigate how lockdown restrictions affect Idukki District’s restaurant businesses. The challenges faced by restaurant owners during the pandemic, the strategies they employed, the degree to which customers were happy with the services they received, and customers’ expectations for the future of the restaurant industry are all covered in this research. The nature of the restaurant industry is described and examined in this study. Kerala, India’s Idukki District, was home to the chosen sample. According to research, restaurants used technology extensively as a strategy during the outbreak, taking into account the opinions of their patrons. The majority of restaurants offered home delivery and online ordering, which fueled the growth of the restaurant business in Idukki District. Orders are fulfilled according to customer preferences, which aid restaurants in maintaining patrons throughout the pandemic.