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Asymmetric facilitation in agroecosystem: Exploring concurrent positive and negative plant interactions
  • +7
  • Wang Wei,
  • Zhou Yi-Ning,
  • Li Meng-Ying,
  • Zhou Rui,
  • Wang Bao-Zhong,
  • Zhu Shuang-Guo,
  • Ullah Abid,
  • Duan Hai-Xia,
  • Wang Jing,
  • You-Cai Xiong
Wang Wei
Lanzhou University

Corresponding Author:wangwei1223921@163.com

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Zhou Yi-Ning
Lanzhou University
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Li Meng-Ying
Lanzhou University
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Wang Bao-Zhong
Lanzhou University
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Zhu Shuang-Guo
Lanzhou University
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Ullah Abid
Lanzhou University
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Duan Hai-Xia
Lanzhou University
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Wang Jing
Lanzhou University
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You-Cai Xiong
Lanzhou University
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Facilitation events were mostly reported in two modes of mutual promotion (+/+) and unilateral benefit (+/0) in cultivated plant populations, yet few investigations showed the third mode, i.e. +/-. We investigated the maize-faba bean intercropping system as the third mode which was little documented. Land equivalent ratio in intercropping system was significantly greater than in monocropping one, with faba bean as superior species (+), and maize as inferior species (-). For inferior species, interspecific competition restricted its substance remobilization and seed filling, and caused a relatively low pollen fertilization rate and high kernel abortion rate. This trend resulted from lower soil water availability in maize strip of intercropping system, and lower leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate in maize. Yield loss of inferior species provided mechanical explanation on the concurrent +/- facilitation. The findings enriched our understandings on asymmetric facilitation and the relationship between plant diversity and productivity in agroecosystems.