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Impact of COVID-19 in early breast cancer management: a summary of the current evidence
  • +11
  • Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante,
  • Edson Abdala,
  • Leonardo Weissmann,
  • Carlos Eduardo dos Santos Ferreira,
  • Gilberto Amorim,
  • Gustavo Aguiar Campana,
  • Vilmar Marques de Oliveira,
  • Gisah Guilgen,
  • Luciana Landeiro,
  • João Renato Rebello Pinho,
  • Álvaro Pulchinelli Jr,
  • Heber Ribeiro,
  • Rafael Souza,
  • Daniela Dornelles Rosa
Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante
Fortaleza General Hospital, Breast Surgery, Brazilian Society of Mastology

Corresponding Author:fpimentelcavalcante@gmail.com

Author Profile
Edson Abdala
USP, School of Medicine, Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Leonardo Weissmann
Emílio Ribas Infectious Disease Institute, Unaerp Medicina, Guarujá, Brazilian Society of Infectology
Carlos Eduardo dos Santos Ferreira
Albert Einstein Hospital , Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine
Author Profile
Gilberto Amorim
Oncologia D’Or , GBECAM
Gustavo Aguiar Campana
DASA, Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine
Vilmar Marques de Oliveira
Brazilian Society of Mastology, Santa Casa de São Paulo Hospital, Santa Casa de São Paulo School of Medical Sciences
Gisah Guilgen
Curitiba Cancer and Transplant Institute, Nossa Senhora das Graças Hospital, GBECAM
Luciana Landeiro
Núcleo de Oncologia da Bahia (NOB) - Oncoclínicas Group
João Renato Rebello Pinho
Hospital das Clínicas, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Medical Research , Albert Einstein Hospital
Álvaro Pulchinelli Jr
UNIFESP, School of Medicine (EPM), Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine, Fleury Group
Heber Ribeiro
Brazilian Society of Oncology Surgery, AC Camargo Cancer Center
Rafael Souza
Cancer Treatment Institute (ITC)
Daniela Dornelles Rosa
Moinhos de Vento Hospital, GBECAM, Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA)


Purpose: An Expert Panel on Breast Cancer and COVID-19 was convened to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for early breast cancer management.
Methods: In order to ensure the most clinically relevant information was addressed, essential information was drawn from several of the latest national and international guidelines and another technical document. The Expert Panel met in five virtual closed sessions from November 2020 to May 2021 to consult on the relevant data from evidence-based results. The data gathered were discussed on an online platform (Within3 ®).
Results: This paper reports the Expert Panel's highlights of these meetings' discussions. In addition, it provides practical recommendations covering topics regarding diagnosis, treatment, and management of breast cancer patients in clinical settings routinely encountered by HCPs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conclusions: It was provided guidance on several topics regarding eBC management amid the COVID-19 pandemics to inform safer care practices.