Before the Activity: Introduction to PlasticsObjectives: Students will Have Students Watch a Plastic Ocean and complete a Video Worksheet.Discuss Students thoughts and reactions to the video.Did they realize the effects of plastics?How do you feel after watching the film?Why is it not practical to just ban everything made of plastic?Do you think we have plastics in our local waterways?Microplastic Sampling Students are trained in Microplastics Sampling at the beginning of the school year. Students will sample local watershed using the Florida Microplastic Awareness Project Procedures to sample for Microplastics in local watersheds and collect data once a month. Students will identify which types of microplastics are present in local watersheds and which types are most abundant. (Students should find the microfibers from clothing and wash machines are typically the most common) Students will make a graph of the number of microplastics in a 1L sample Students will upload data into the Microplastics Awareness Project Database (citizen science project)