Raksha Thakuri

and 5 more

Spiny Babbler is the only endemic bird of Nepal but there are very limited studies on population status, distribution pattern and habitat characteristics preferred by this species. So, we conducted a field survey in the Lwang Ghalel Village of Annapurna Conservation Area located in Western Nepal which is one of the prominent habitats of Spiny Babbler to estimate the population, prepare a distribution map and assess the habitat characteristics preferred by it. We used the point count method to estimate its population while the distribution map was prepared using Arcmap; a GIS software, by plotting the geographic coordinates taken with hand held GPS. A binomial distribution model with a logit link function was deployed to determine the habitat preferences of the species by testing nine predetermined habitat variables. Out of 130 sampling points, Spiny Babbler was recorded from 46 points with an additional 6 opportunistic sightings resulting total estimated population of 129 individuals. From the distribution map, we found that it mostly preferred scrubland habitats. Among the nine habitat variables, six different variables including aspect (χ27,119 = 21.7895; p = 0.0027), habitat types (χ25,114 = 18.7608; p = 0.0021), number of shrub individuals (χ21,113 = 7.0083; p = 0.0081), distance to water body (χ21,128 = 9.4116; p = 0.0021), distance to road (χ21,127 = 6.4807; p = 0.0109) and presence or absence of cattle grazing (χ21,126 = 10.0881; p = 0.0014) have significant influence in the sighting probability of the species within the study area. With this study, we have established baseline information about the habitat preference of Spiny Babbler however there is still large gap to be fulfilled to understand the species ecology. Therefore, detailed and regular studies on the species behavior and ecology of all seasons should be carried out in the study area and other regions.

Bandana Subedi

and 4 more

The diversity of butterflies is known to some extent in Nepal, but the study of their interactions with nectar plant sources and floral attributes is limited. This study was conducted along the periphery of Rupa Wetland, a Ramsar site, from February to November 2019 to assess butterfly species diversity and to identify the factors influencing their foraging choices at nectar plants. We assessed the number of butterfly species, their abundance, and their floral foraging behavior, from 28 linear transects (500 m long each) placed in a stratified and random manner throughout the study area. Five factors, i.e., category of plant, flower colour, corolla shape, corolla depth, and the proboscis length of butterfly species were taken into account to assess the nectar plant choices of butterfly families. Moreover, species diversity at the family level, and overall, were determined through several indices. When examining overall butterfly diversity and abundance, we recorded a total of 1,535 butterflies belonging to 138 species within six families. For our examination of butterfly-nectar plant observations, we recorded a total of 298 individuals belonging to 31 species of butterfly visiting a total of 28 nectar plant species. Among the recorded butterflies, Zemeros flegyas was found to be the most abundant (92 individuals), while only a single individual each of the species Troides helena, Gandaca herina and Belonois aurota were recorded. Of the 28 nectar host plant species, Biden pilosa was the most popular and was visited by 13 species of butterflies. Overall, total butterfly visitation was found to be significantly influenced by plant category (herbaceous preferred over woody), floral colour (yellow, white, and purple preferred over pink), and corolla shape (tubular preferred over non-tubular). Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.466) between the proboscis length of butterflies and the corolla tube length of flowers (p<0.001).

Siddhartha Regmi

and 5 more

Understanding niche overlap with other wild species and domestic cattle is useful to conserve and manage the wildlife in their natural habitat. We assessed habitat niche breadth and overlap among the two sympatric wild ungulates: spotted deer (Axis axis) and swamp deer (Cervus duvaucelii) and, indigenous intermediate ruminants, and domestic cattle in Shuklaphanta National Park, Nepal during the dry season. Our objective was to explore the interspecific competition by studying the habitat use by these species. The assumption was made that the presence of pellets is a proof for habitat used by species. Grid based surveys with total 96 sample plots each of size 20 m * 20 m in 6 sample grids (2 * 2 km2) with 24 sub-grids (500 * 500 m2) were used for locating pellets group. Levin’s niche breadth and Morisita’s overlap index were calculated to determine the niche breadth, and the habitat overlap respectively. The Levin’s measure of niche breadth suggested that spotted deer had the highest adaptability with an index value of 0.94 followed by domestic cattle 0.50, and swamp deer 0.33 in our study area. Thus, it was concluded that spotted deer is a habitat generalist whereas swamp deer are specialists and mostly preferred grasslands after a fire. Also, there was high habitat overlap index value of 0.83 between domestic cattle and spotted deer whereas the swamp deer and the spotted deer showed moderate habitat overlap of 0.57. The swamp deer had low habitat overlap as well as spatial overlap with domestic cattle. Grassland management should be carried out for the benefit of ungulate species as the study showed the preference of swamp deer on grassland after a fire. Similar studies should be conducted including seasons and places prior to implementing appropriate habitat management activities intended to reduce interspecific competition for co-existence.