Shrub canopy removal influences community assembly processes in
shrub-encroached grassland in the Inner Mongolia steppe, China
Understanding community assembly mechanism is essential for us to
predict community dynamics and restoration process in the context of
intensive human activities. In this study, we aimed to explore how the
removal of shrub canopy influenced the community assembly in
shrub-encroached grassland by both trait-based and phylogenetic
approaches. We carried out an experiment of shrub canopy removal with
three frequencies (no removal, removal once and twice a year) in a
shrub-encroached grassland in China. We investigated community species
composition under each treatment and collected plant functional traits
for each species. We calculated the standard effect size (SES) of
phylogenetic and trait-based functional diversity based on null model
analysis to determine the dominant community assembly process. By
phylogenetic analysis, the random process drove the community assembly,
being independent of the removal frequencies and locations; while by
trait-based approach, random process dominated the assembly in
communities under ‘no removal’ treatment beneath shrub and under
‘removal twice a year’ treatment in shrub-interspace when using some
certain single traits, and the limiting similarity process dominated the
assembly in the rest communities. Removal of shrub canopy twice a year
released more niches which promoted the performance of herbaceous
species beneath shrub and promoted the settlement of annuals in
shrub-interspace. Compared with phylogenetic analysis, the results of
trait-based approach were more sensitive to the human activities. All
these findings indicated that removal of shrub canopy twice a year would
be an effective way for the restoration of shrub-encroached grassland.