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Twelve years of soil preservation and rehabilitation at Rio do Peixe watershed, promoting conservation agriculture
  • +5
  • Oswaldo Vischi Filho,
  • Oscar Kanno,
  • Roberto Arabori,
  • João Flávio Caldas,
  • Raul Penteado,
  • Edna Aparecida Scachetti,
  • Jorge Quiessi,
  • Marcelo Camargo
Oswaldo Vischi Filho
Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo

Corresponding Author:ovischi@gmail.com

Author Profile
Oscar Kanno
Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo
Author Profile
Roberto Arabori
Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo
Author Profile
João Flávio Caldas
Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo
Author Profile
Raul Penteado
Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo
Author Profile
Edna Aparecida Scachetti
Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo
Author Profile
Jorge Quiessi
Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo
Author Profile
Marcelo Camargo
Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo
Author Profile


This work aimed to test innovations for the diagnosis of agricultural properties at Rio do Peixe Watershed, to locate erosions and to correct them by changing soil management, aiming at recovering degraded areas, rehabilitating them and promoting conservation agriculture, evaluating the results by remote sensing and water quality indicators. In 2019, it turned twelve years of inspection/monitoring at Rio do Peixe Watershed. From 2007 to 2017, using the Conventional CDA methodology, 14,076 ha were inspected at Vera Cruz sector, 94 properties were notified and in Ocauçu, 82 properties, located in 9,027 ha. As a work strategy, in Marília, the Innovative CDA Methodology was used, which allowed the inspection and rehabilitation of 52 properties in 27,775 ha, from 2017 to 2018. After the notifications, the owners presented the conservationist technical projects for each property, which were implemented, using conservation practices such as improving vegetation cover and crop rotation to control laminar erosion and agricultural terracing, divergent channels and containment basin to control gullies erosions. This work promoted a transformation from degrading agriculture to conservation agriculture, having degraded pastures transformed into an agricultural area, implementing the No-tillage system. Pastures were recovered by implementing the Integrated Crop-Livestock System; it was possible to increase the occupancy rate by 31% comparing to the original situation. This is a great work that benefits Watershed farmers, increasing productivity and consequently the profit, as well as for the local people improving the quality of water that supplies the region of Marília.
14 Apr 2020Submitted to Land Degradation & Development
15 Apr 2020Submission Checks Completed
15 Apr 2020Assigned to Editor