Kyle Duncan

and 5 more

Pressure ridges are deformation features within the sea ice pack created through the collision of sea ice floes. Pressure ridges play an important role in ice drift and influence the mass and energy budgets of the Arctic Ocean. Over the past decade annual airborne surveys over Arctic sea ice have been conducted in late winter (March and April) by NASA’s Operation IceBridge (OIB) mission. A total of 74 OIB flights between 2010 and 2018 surveyed tens of thousands of kilometers of sea ice, providing observations of pressure ridges at a higher spatial and temporal resolution than previous airborne studies. Here we utilize Digital Mapping System (DMS) imagery to identify shadows cast by pressure ridge sails and, then, use these shadows to derive sail height. Over 64,000 DMS images were analyzed, allowing for more than 33 million individual sail height measurements to be calculated. We present the full sail-height distributions of new pressure ridges recently formed across a range of ice conditions on first-year (FYI) and multiyear ice (MYI), and we assess year-to-year variability. We find distinct characteristics depending on the ice type in which the pressure ridge formed. The mean and standard deviation of sail heights on FYI is ~20-30 cm lower than those formed on MYI. Maximum sail heights on FYI are ~1.5 m lower on average. Arctic sea ice is getting younger, shifting from predominantly MYI to predominantly FYI. Our results may inform new model parameterizations of pressure ridges on sea ice in the changing Arctic, thereby supporting advances in sea ice forecasting.

Kyle Duncan

and 2 more

Since its launch, in September 2018, ICESat-2’s Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) has collected high-resolution measurements of Arctic sea ice by sampling the surface every 70 cm along-track. We utilize the high-resolution capabilities of ATLAS with a novel algorithm called the University of Maryland-Ridge Detection Algorithm (UMD-RDA) to investigate sea ice topography across a range of scales. Applying the UMD-RDA to the ATL03 Global Geolocated Photon product we measure surface roughness and derive the frequency, height, width, and angle of individual pressure ridge sails. Aggregating data from multiple orbit crossings per day we investigate ridge characteristics at length-scales varying from 1 km (individual floes) to the pan-Arctic scale (central Arctic Ocean). Here, we present an evaluation of pressure ridge characteristics during the winter seasons of 2018/19, 2019/20, and 2020/21, comparing results from distinct regions with varying ice conditions. Near-coincident, independent observations of pressure ridges with Operation IceBridge (OIB) Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) lidar data, OIB near-coincident Continuous Airborne Mapping By Optical Translator (CAMBOT) high-resolution (~15 cm) optical imagery, and WorldView high-resolution (~30 cm) panchromatic satellite imagery are used to evaluate the accuracy of our ICESat-2 ridge detection scheme. There are many potential use-cases for a high-resolution sea ice topography data product within the community, ranging from navigational hazard mitigation to ecological studies of marine mammal habitats. We discuss plans for releasing these data products and discuss the improvements such data would make within high-resolution sea ice models.

Daniel Watkins

and 1 more

Arctic amplification is a near-universal feature of climate change in simulations. However, climate models disagree in its magnitude and in its spatial and seasonal expression. Lower tropospheric stability (LTS = T_{850hpa} - T_{2m}) has been linked to Arctic amplification through its influence on radiative cooling efficiency and vertical propagation of surface fluxes. Using monthly mean output from the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble (CESM LE) we find that internal variability in CESM LE is insufficient to explain the differences in LTS distributions over the Arctic Ocean found in CMIP3 and CMIP5 multi-model ensembles.To facilitate comparison with prior work we compare the CESM LE output to the ECMWF interim reanalysis (ERA-I) for the period 1979-2005. Over the ocean surfaces north of 60°, LTS exhibits a bimodal distribution. Dividing model and reanalysis output into open water and sea ice domains based on a sea ice concentration (SIC) threshold of 15% confirms LTS bimodality is the result of summing distinct distributions. Over sea ice, median NDJF LTS is 3.6 K in ERA-I and ranges from 5.7 K to 6.9 K in the CESM LE. Interquartile range of NDJF LTS is 4.7 K in ERA-I and varies from 9.6 K and 10.5 K across the ensemble. Spatial and seasonal patterns of LTS are qualitatively similar in the model and reanalysis: over ice LTS is positive through most of the year and slightly negative in the summer, and interannual variability is highest near the ice edge. However, the seasonal cycle of stability is stronger in CESM LE. We find that stability during early spring is consistently higher in CESM LE than in ERA-I. The enhanced variability over the central Arctic in CESM LE appears to be the result of variation in sea ice thickness.