Agate Analysis by Raman, XRF, and Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy for Provenance Determination
- Aaron J. Celestian,
- Arlen Heginbotham,
- Rebecca Greenberger,
- Bethany Ehlmann,
- Bibek Samanta,
- Alyssa Morgan,
- Sergey Mamedov,
- Bridget O'Donnell
Aaron J. Celestian
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM)
Author ProfileArlen Heginbotham
J. Paul Getty Museum
Rebecca Greenberger
California Institute of Technology
Bethany Ehlmann
California Institute of Technology
Bibek Samanta
University of Southern California (USC)
Alyssa Morgan
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM)
Sergey Mamedov
Horiba Instruments
Bridget O'Donnell
Horiba Instruments