In this study, an EEG-based investigation of different levels of executive function activation (e.g., inhibition and working memory) during walking is performed in order to understand the executive funcions specifically involved during walking. Subjects were asked to perform the cognitive tasks by holding a wireless controller with their right hand. The wireless controller was chosen over the voice response to minimise muscle artefacts. The experimental protocol was composed by two part. In the first part, the subjects were required to execute the cognitive tasks by sitting on a chair; in the second part, the tasks were executed during walking. EEG data were collected with the wireless device ab medica Helmate composed by 10 dry electrodes positioned according to the international notation 10-20: AFz (ref), Fpz (ground), Fp1, Fp2, Fz, Cz, O1, O2, C5, and Cz. Quantitative gait assessment was performed with a 3D optoelectronic system consisting of eight Smart-D cameras at frequency of 100 Hz (BTS Bioengineering, Milan, Italy), for the calculation of spatial-temporal and kinematic parameters. 3D- stereophotogrammetric analysis was conducted using Helen Hayes M.M. markers set protocol, including 22 markers placed on the following body landmarks: spinous processes of C7 and S2, acromioclavicular joint, anterior superior iliac spine, greater trochanter, medial and lateral epicondylus femoris, fibular head, medial and lateral malleoli, I metatarsal heads and heel bilaterally.