DEVELOP AND NURTURE A NETWORK OF COLLABORATORS IN SUPPORT OF DIGITAL SCHOLARLY CREATION CREATE A WEB PRESENCE FOR DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP THAT MAKES CLEAR THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DS, THE REST OF THE LIBRARY, AND OUTSIDE PARTNERS * Include a Digital Scholarship page (or set of pages) on the library website * Describe and promote models for engagement that move from simple support to deep collaborative engagement * Create either a ticketing system, or a form or communication channel to invite, track and respond to project requests. * Highlight project examples, courses, and other activities as a growing collection of models * Point to people in DS, decision trees, workshops, consultation services, and guides * Create a newsletter, advisory group, or some other way to let key collaborators know what we are doing. BUILD AND MAINTAIN COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH LIBRARY LIAISONS, KISLAK COLLEAGUES, AND METADATA SERVICES - Provide opportunities for informal conversations/learning opportunities/etc that include librarians and faculty - Ensure that appropriate liaisons, bibliographers, and metadata experts are incorporated into appropriate Price Lab and other projects as part of the process - Build summer library-centered projects that can engage interested librarians in learning together - Create and promote workshops or consultation services for metadata design and data transformation, in collaboration with our colleagues in IPC - Together with TRL colleagues, develop a workshop series that focuses on repeat attendance and skill building EMPLOY STUDENTS AT ALL EDUCATION LEVELS IN WAYS THAT ARE REWARDING FOR THEM AND INCREASE OUR CAPACITY - Create recruitment program for undergraduate students across the University to work in Digital Scholarship beginning in Sophomore year, with special focus on students from under-represented and marginalized communities - Develop student workforce models with common training, documentation protocols across library, Price Lab, IT and other units - Create program to hire Masters Students, especially from Design and SEAS to participate in development of tools and websites - Partner with Price Lab in creating opportunities for PhD students to gain meaningful experience on digital projects - Create a Digital Scholarship Fellows program for undergraduates interested in deeper engagement with DS BUILD COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIPS OUTSIDE OF THE LIBRARY - Make connections with experts in data preservation, forensics, etc. in service of our goal to create a data triage team for scholarly research data across the University that is of lasting scholarly value, but is currently stored in brittle systems - Look for opportunities to engage in scholarship that extends the reach of the library beyond Penn's campus, especially to communities that have been historically excluded from the benefits of the Penn Libraries - Partner with Price Lab, OLI, SAS computing and others to share in student recruitment across projects - Create partnership program for faculty who have funds to hire students for digital projects but need help managing and planning their work - Create a plan to share with the Development Office for raising funds to support Digital Scholarship BRING THE WORK OF DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP TO PHYSICAL SPACES TO PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES FOR IN-PERSON ENGAGEMENTS - Articulate need/opportunity for creation of DH Lab in the Museum - Identify other library spaces for pop-up Digital Scholarship activities - Create a collaborative environment in the new TRL space for DS activities ESTABLISH SUSTAINABLE WORKFLOWS, TRAINING, AND DOCUMENTATION FOR DIGITAL RESEARCH PROJECTS TOGETHER WITH COLLEAGUES IN THE LIBRARY, THE PRICE LAB, AND ACROSS CAMPUS, DEVELOP A TIERED MODEL FOR SUPPORTING COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS. - Identify where and how digital projects should stored/hosted/served when they have been sunsetted. - Create sample project charters / memoranda of understanding - Create and use an intake process/checklist for digital scholarship projects/activities - Incorporate piwik for keeping track of the use of digital projects - Develop and support tiered service models to answer question: where should projects be stored/hosted/served while they are in development/production?. - Create several use cases for production level server environments to recommend and employ for digital projects. - Create workshops for faculty on moving from Idea to Grant proposal for Price Lab/ All the other ways faculty can get funding. COLLABORATE WITH OTHER LIBRARY DIVISIONS TO MAKE LIBRARY COLLECTIONS MORE CONSISTENTLY USABLE AS DATA PROVIDE ACCESS TO LICENSED CONTENT AT SCALE - Online Access/In-Library self-service access to textual datasets for which we already have licenses (Gale, BYU Corpora, etc.) - Collaborate with colleages in the library to make recommendations for the bulk use of various collections by vendor - Work with Collections colleagues to add data questions to standard conversation about new sources CREATE BULK DOWNLOAD WORKFLOWS AND TOOLKITS. - Build the LexisNexis download tool - HathiTrust Research Center - Engage in experimentation with OPenn collections, creating tools for their re-use COLLABORATE WITH COLLEAGUES TO CREATE GUIDES FOR FINDING AND USING STRUCTURED AND UNSTRUCTURED DATASETS FOR COMPUTATIONAL USES - Partner in providing access to structured datasets in the sciences and social sciences - Investigate the implementiation of a Penn GIS portal to provide access and discoverability for geospatial data. COLLABORATE WITH COLLEAGUES IN THE LIBRARY TO BUILD A RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT AND CURATION PROGRAM DEVELOP DATA MANAGEMENT OUTREACH PROGRAMS SPECIFIC TO HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES, AND SCIENCES - Develop data management workshops for humanities scholars - Develop data management workshops for Social Science scholars - Develop data management workshops for science scholars - Create workshops (in collab with sixth floor and Ian?) etc to help faculty and students manage, preserve and describe their research or personal data - DMPTool outreach and training DEVELOP DATA MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDES - Create guides to data management planning for researchers across disciplines - Develop recommendations for the storage and description of research data across a variety of formats - Develop recommendations for the storage and description of research data specific to Humanities, Social Sciences, & Sciences - Work with LTS to investigate system that would allow for versions/versioning of published research data - Work with library and museum colleagues to develop data management practices and tools specific to archaeological data IDENTIFY AND SUPPORT OPTIONS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE LONG TERM PRESERVATION, ACCESS AND RE-USE OF SCHOLARLY DIGITAL ASSETS - Participate in library repository conversations to establish goals for long term preservation of research data sets. - Create a data triage team. This team would take requests to help researchers extract their data from old systems and advise on where it could move to, considering what would be best for long term preservation. - Create data re-use cases and practices that make use of library owned data in a varity of formats (text, image, sound, video, etc) - Identify and support options for the long term preservations recommendations of scholarly digital assets EXPAND THE LIBRARY'S CAPACITY TO ENGAGE IN NEW METHODOLOGICAL PRACTICES. INCREASE CAPACITY OF LIBRARIANS, FACULTY AND STUDENTS TO EXPLORE DIGITAL CURATION AND EXHIBITION AS A SCHOLARLY METHOD - Collaborate with colleagues in TRL to create a program for faculty and student curated digital/physical exhibits - Create and support the creation of digital Collections (of non-library material) - Create guidelines for choosing between Omeka, Shared Shelf, Scholarly Commons, Mukurtu, etc. - Create toolkits and guides for the use and creation of Omeka, Scalar and Mukurtu sites - Create suggested guidelines (rubrics) for evaluating digital student curated exhibits INCREASE CAPACITY OF LIBRARIANS, FACULTY AND STUDENTS TO USE TEXT AND DATA MINING METHOD - Develop a set of git-based toolkits and tutorials for digital methods in topic modeling and other operations - Create guides on OCR for multiple languages, texts, etc - Create decision-tree style guide about selecting and undertaking text mining projects - Explore collaborations across disciplines in text mining methods INCREASE CAPACITY OF FACULTY AND STUDENTS TO ANALYZE SOUND, IMAGES, AND VIDEO AS DATA - Collaborate with art history and humanities reseearchers in exploring image analysis - Collaborate with social science and humanities reseearchers in exploring sound analysis - Collaborate with social science and humanities reseearchers in exploring video analysis ENABLE ENGAGEMENT WITH MAPPING AND DATA VISUALIZATION ACROSS CAMPUS - Develop skills and recommendations in structured data visualization using d3 and other tools - Create guides, workshops, etc to assist with the visualization, cleaning, and transformation of data across formats - Create and/or Contribute to a Penn Community of Interest in Mapping and GIS - Construct a framework to help scholars decide which mapping application to use, based on their data and goals - Create toolkits and recommendations for web mapping - Improve and support GIS guide CREATE AND MARKET A MENU OF WORKSHOPS TO OFFER FACULTY, STUDENTS, LIBRARIANS ON DEMAND * Digital Scholarship Sandbox Workshop Series * R Learning club * Gathered workshops as a menu for course integration, on-demand training and consultation * Participate in TRL Digital Fluencies Development COLLABORATE WITH COLLEAGUES, FACULTY AND STUDENTS IN EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT - OPenn plus git+toolkit - Experiment with linked data implementations - Buy a few raspberry pis and play with them. - Minecraft/ other interesting displayable things EXPAND AND PROMOTE PROGRAMS FOR DIGITAL OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING EXPAND PROGRAMS FOR HOSTING OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATIONS * Develop publishing program for journals * Develop peer review models for open educational resources (including syllabi) * Develop peer review models for open datasets * Investigate Open Monographs * Create a program for the publication of Open Educational Resources through ScholarlyCommons EDUCATE AND ADVOCATE ABOUT OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING AND OPEN DATA PUBLISHING - Offer scholarly communications workshop for early career and PhD students - Promote open access fund - Create programs and events for open access week - Create year long programming and materials (workshops, speakers, videos, infographics, etc.) to engage the Penn community in the issues of open access. INCREASE USE OF SCHOLARLY COMMONS AND EXPLORE ITS INTERSECTIONS WITH OTHER SYSTEMS - Build on publisher policy database - Consider cases where open access to data is not immediately an option and create Pennkey only, or other forms of non-fully-open-access - Update and improve instructions and documentation for the use of Scholarly Commons (on submission forms and general) - In collab with colleagues, create general metadata suggestions for different types of series (in SC or otherwise?) PROMOTE A SET OF RESEARCHER IDENTITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES - Expand use of Orcids for research identifiers - Create workshops on making and using Orcids - Work towards integration between ScholarlyCommons, Symplectic Elements, Articles+ and other library systems EXPAND SUPPORT FOR COPYRIGHT QUESTIONS, CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSES AND TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE LABELS ACROSS THE UNIVERSITY - Incorporate Traditional Knowledge Labels into at least one project - Revise and improve copyright guides and guidance - Implement creative commons license option into project workflows, charters, and MOU's INCREASE THE CAPACITY OF THE LIBRARY TO SUPPORT OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING - Figure out, develop and publicize option for video publishing and streaming - Identify a DOI minting service and implement it where appropriate - Establish workflows and procedures for the creation of open access journals - Establish workflows and procedures for the creation of open educational resources, in collaboration with campus and library partners - Establish workflows and procedures in support of Orcid - Establish workflows and procedures in support of Expertise