Abstract: In this paper, the nonlinear Schrödinger-type equation −(∇ + iA) ^2 u + u + λ[I_α*(K|u|^2)]Ku=af(|u|)u/|u| in R ^3 is considered in the presence of magnetic field, where A ∈ C ^1 (R ^3 ,R^ 3 ), α ∈ (0,3), I_α denotes the Riesz potential, K ∈ L^ p (R ^3 ,(0,∞)) for some p ∈ (6/(1 + α),∞], a ∈ L^ q (R 3 ,[0,∞)) \ {0} for some q ∈ (3/2,∞], and f ∈ C(R,[0,∞)) is assumed to be asymptotically linear at infinity. Under suitable assumptions regarding A, K, a, and f, variational methods are used to establish the existence of ground-state solutions of the above equation for sufficiently small values of the parameter λ.