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Hopf structure for a Fock realization of the (p, q)-deformed white noise Heizenberg algebra
  • Anis Riahi,
  • Ziyad Ali Alhussain,
  • Habib Rebei
Anis Riahi
College of Science Al-Zul, Majmaah University

Corresponding Author:anis.r@mu.edu.sa

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Ziyad Ali Alhussain
College of Science Al-Zul, Majmaah University
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Habib Rebei
Qassim University College of Science
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The Hopf algebraic structure problem for a two-parameter deformed white noise Heizenberg algebra based on the two-parameter deformation of canonical commutation relations is discussed. Firstly, in the basis of the (p, q)-Fock space we present the Fock realization of the (p, q)-deformed quantum Heizenberg algebra and we give its Hopf structure.