Pharmacological characterization of orally and intravenously
administered (S-)ketamine in healthy humans: an apparent crucial role
for (S-)ketamine and not its pharmacologically active metabolite
(S-)norketamine in mediating acute NMDAR central nervous system effects
up to 6 hours
- Joost van Mechelen
, - Tobias Wieles,
- Laura Borghans
, - Marije Otto,
- Maria Juachon,
- Amy Gillespie,
- Martijn van Noorden,
- Catherine Harmer,
- Albert van Hemert,
- Joop van Gerven,
- Gabriel Jacobs
Joost van Mechelen

Stichting Centre for Human Drug Research
Author ProfileAbstract
L.S., The full abstract is included in the 'file upload' section of our
submission. However, due to methodological complexity, the word count
for our abstract exceeded the word limit stipulated in your submission
guidelines. We kindly ask you to consider an exemption for the
previously mentioned word count, because - in our opinion - it is not
possible to present our full paper and its corresponding results, whilst
meeting the set limit for the word count. Hoping for your understanding
we are looking forward to your response. Thank you in advance for your
time and effort to review our paper. Kind regards, Joost van Mechelen,
Psychiatrist and Clinical Pharmacology Resident.