A new succulent species Euphorbia costatalata sp. nov., (Euphorbiaceae)
from Southern India
- Bruce DeJong
, - N. V. Malpure
, - Arun Mahalingam
N. V. Malpure

S. S. G. M. College
Corresponding Author:nmalpure@gmail.com
Author ProfileArun Mahalingam
Independent Researcher, 36/2, 4H Metropark Apartment, Paarinagar, Coimbatore, TN, India, 641045.
Author ProfileAbstract
Euphorbia costatalata is allied to Euphorbia tortilis but differs in
having prominent ribbing and up to 5 wings, segments longer, thinner,
not spiral, cymes fewer per axil, trapezoidal glands that are humped
convexly upwards, flattened ovaries with non-connate styles, capsules
concave on top, and seeds dark brown with light speckles and streaks.
This species appears to replace E. tortilis north of the Nilgiri and
Bilirangan hill ranges.