Ji-Ching Chen

and 2 more

Europa is characterized by a thin ice Ih shell overlying a subsurface ocean and a large solid core. Estimates of the outer ice shell’s thickness range from a few kilometers to several tens of kilometers, with strong implications for Europa’s thermal and geological history. Here, we model the thermal evolution of Europa’s ice shell using a parameterized convection approach that explicitly accounts for internal heat release. We explore changes in the thickness of this ice shell depending on several parameters, including the bulk ice viscosity, tidal heating, and ocean composition, and we further consider possible cyclical variations in tidal heating in response to changes in the eccentricity of Europa’s orbit. Our calculations show that ice shell thickness is mostly influenced by both the ice bulk viscosity and tidal heating. While significant in absence of tidal heating, the ocean composition has no or few influence when tidal heating is accounted for. Interestingly, for dissipated tidal heat and viscosity around 1 TW and 1014 Pa·s, respectively, which are within the expected range of values for these parameters, our calculations predict an ice shell thickness in the range 15-45 km and, at the top of this shell, a stagnant lid around 10 km in thickness, in agreement with recent estimates from impact basin morphology. Our calculations further indicate that a 10% change in orbital eccentricity may trigger variations in the ice shell thickness of approximately 15 km, which further helps to reconcile estimates based on geological features and modelled thermal history.