Tristan Schuler

and 2 more

High Altitude Balloons with altitude control capability can leverage varying wind patterns at different altitudes to perform station-keeping maneuvers and other complex trajectories. At minimum, effective station-keeping of high altitude balloons (HABs) requires opposing winds at two different altitudes. Wind diversity trends in the lower stratosphere are highly dependent on geographic area, altitude range, and time of year. To investigate historical wind diversity trends, we analyzed over 1.25 million radiosonde sounding launches from the western hemisphere between 2012 and 2023. Radiosondes provide significantly higher vertical resolution for wind analysis compared to standard reanalysis forecasts; we discuss how reanalysis forecasts severely underestimate wind diversity. Overall, higher opposing winds probabilities tend to follow the summer months for each hemisphere respectively, with the exception being the tropics, which typically have strong opposing wind probabilities year round. Similarly, the summer months also tend to have a higher probability of calm ("light-and-variable") winds, although in a smaller latitudinal and altitude band than opposing winds. Transition months, typically in the spring and fall, have the highest variation in opposing wind probabilities from decadal means, while the summer and winter months have more predictable regional trends. These wind diversity trends can assist with developing trajectories and mission planning for high altitude platforms.