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Final report: Groundwater open data map for Bandung area
  • Dasapta Erwin Irawan
Dasapta Erwin Irawan

Corresponding Author:dasaptaerwin@outlook.co.id

Author Profile


Extended summary

Project identity

  • Title: Open groundwater data system for Bandung area
  • PI: Dr. Dasapta Erwin Irawan
  • Fiscal year: 2016
  • Funding source: Ministry of Research and Higher Education


The location of this project is Bandung Basin area.


The core team of the research is:

  • Dr. Rusmawan Suwarman (hydrology)
  • Dr. Nur Ulfa (IT)
  • M. Irsyad, ST (Geodesy)
  • M. Fadli, ST (Map engineer)


  • Dr. Bambang Sunarwan
  • Ahmad Darul Rochman, ST., MT.
  • Aditya Pratama, ST
  • Anggita Agustin, ST., MT.

Project summary

This document describes our final progress in the project. This research was funded by The Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of of Research and Higher Education Grant 2016. In this community service research, we try to apply some open source GIS implementation to provide the Government of Bandung City, in this case is Office for Built Environment Management, a spatial groundwater open data system.

We propose the QGIS cloud platform for the system because it's: free, open source, easy use, and stable. It's a free and open source since it was born in 2002 and it was just developing a cloud-based map system offering limited-free services for QGIS users to upload their maps and dataset online. Another plus is that QGIS is part of Opengeo Suite, a group of GIS implementation system that can be used freely. Using the suite, the open data system can be developed as a dynamic map with more visualizations.

Our training dataset are: 200 well data points with water quality, consists of: major ions (Ca, Na, Mg, K, Cl, CO3-HCO3, SO4), temperature, total dissolved solids, conductivity, pH, and groundwater level. The data was taken from various reports that had been accumulated from 2000. More dataset were also compiled but we're not including them in this project. We stored all data and maps in an open repository hosted by Center for Open Science Foundation/COS. We put CC-BY license in order to invite more participation from public to improve this work.

To date the outputs of this project are:

Keywords: open data, open science, Bandung, QGIS, Bandung, Indonesia