Xylem hydraulic properties of five Pinus species grown in common
environment vary from needles to roots with needle length and
native-range climate
Plant hydraulics govern water transport linking root to mesophyll
surfaces, affecting gas-exchange, survival, and growth. Xylem and leaf
structural and functional characteristics vary widely among Pinus
species, even when growing under similar conditions. We quantified the
variation of xylem anatomy, hydraulic function, and within-tree
hydraulic resistivity distribution, among five widely ranging southern
US species: Pinus echinata, P. elliottii, P.
palustris, P. taeda, and P. virginiana. We found that,
across species, needle length (NL) explained most of the variation in
needle hydraulic properties. Resistivity to water flow in needles
through tracheids’ bordered-pits decreased from ~99% to
8% with increasing NL; total tracheid resistivity in branches and roots
was partitioned between bordered-pits and lumens similarly regardless of
NL. Mean annual precipitation typical of the species’ climatic range
(CR) accounted for the variation in root hydraulic properties. Despite
strong root-to-branch correlations of several attributes, neither NL nor
CR explained the variation of any branch attribute. The results suggest
that NL dominates needle xylem anatomy and function in a manner
consistent with increasing hydraulic efficiency with NL, but CR produces
genetic differences resulting in increased resistance to more negative
xylem pressures with decreasing precipitation, at a cost of reduced
hydraulic efficiency.